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I entered the pool area, immediately caught off guard by what I witnessed there; Up-beat, annoying, pop-music was playing and a bunch of elderly ladies were doing aerobics in the water. Peter was dancing on the tiles setting the example for everyone to follow. It was traumatizing really, maybe I needed to get a therapist for real now. I tried to hold back my laughter, that man couldn't dance at all. But neither can I so I wasn't in a position to judge.

 I walked into the office and signed myself in on the computer so they knew that I had been here, and they would pay me. I didn't really have anything I could do yet, so I started browsing through the records they had stashed next to the record player. One in particular caught my eye: Bon Iver, I recognized it immediately, I absolutely love that one. Without thinking twice I lay it on the player and put the needle on it. The indie sounds immediately fulfilled my tumblr-needs. I decided to do some administration work while listening and singing along to my favourite tracks.

 'Bon Iver huh?' I heard Connor's voice. I scared up and almost dropped my pen. Connor was smirking at me, had he heard me sing?

 'yeah it's one of my favourites' I stated with big eyes. Connor's eyes enlightened and his mouth curved into a smile 

'Omg, mine too!' he exclaimed happily. I smiled widely, I had never met someone that loved Bon Iver as much as I did. 'What's your favourite track?'he asked while taking a seat across from me. Aerobic classes weren't over till 11 am so we had 30 minutes to converse over our love for this record that was pure gold in our eyes. 

'Perth, duh' I said while rolling my eyes. Connor looked at me quizzically, 

'Is that where you're from?' he inquired. 

I nodded, 'yeah, I come from the most isolated city in the world' I smiled while a kind of nostalgic feeling crept up on me. Ever since the thing with Tyler happened, I hadn't really given my home and my family a lot of thought or attention. 'I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa though. But we moved to Australia when I was 2. I don't remember much from it, so I consider myself Australian. The typical boy from the suburbs.' I smiled. 

Connor raised his eyebrows 'Nobody is typical'.

 I shrugged, 'maybe,' I was typical, I was typically average. I didn't really feel like I meant something, but I didn't quite feel like I meant nothing at the same time. 

 'What's perth like?' he asked and curiosity shone through his eyes. 

'There's this sort of.. placid town vibe to where I'm from, It's one of those places where people will say nothing ever changes in,' I replied while zoning out a bit, I hadn't even been here for 3 days and I already felt a bit homesick. I come from this abnormally close family and I missed them. I hadn't treasured it enough for the past weeks, or months. Like I missed out on everything while I was actually, really there. 

'Oh, and the sunsets are absolutely gorgeous!' I added. just like Connor's eyes. They were staring into mine, his face predominantly happy, 

'What's your favorite track?' I asked back. Connor smiled and pulled his hand through his hair, I noticed he had a scar on his forehead. 

'Minnesota, obviously' 

'Is that where you're from?' 

he nodded as a response. I laughed, 

'I was already wondering why you're so extremely friendly and nice.' I joked. Connor rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smile.

 'oh come on, I'm not asking you about the pet-kangaroo you should own' he joked. I laughed, god he was so cute. 

Then, the door opened and Nicola walked in, her face immediately turning to disapproval 'ugh, this record again?' she walked to the record player and pulled the needle up and the record quit playing. She turned around 

'the girls' dressing room could use some mopping' she remarked, staring at Connor. Connor groaned and reluctantly stood up, Nicola smiled, not so genuinely, at her brother. 

'I'll help you' I said and I followed Connor out of the office before Nicola could protest. We walked to the back of the hallway to something that looked like a janitor's closet. Connor pulled out two mops and handed me one. His mood had changed so fast and drastically that I just had to ask the one question burning on the tip of my tongue. 'What's going on between you and your sister?' 

Connor's mouth formed a line as he hesistantly shrugged. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. 

'She and I, don't really share the same morals.' He said briefly, and I knew that that was all I was going to get. 

We mopped the girls' dressing room and after that we took turns supervising the pool. Nicola worked at the entrance, so she wasn't ruining the atmosphere anymore. And soon the clock hit 5 and everyone but Connor and me were gone. I went to the dressing room and changed into my normal attire; a white v-neck and some black ripped skinny jeans. Connor soon walked in and he changed into his own clothes too, I couldn't help but check him out. He put on a maroon t-shirt and blue denim shorts, and - much to my surprise - a ring. I decided not to ask questions though. He looked really attractive, I mean I had noticed that he was attractive but.. now he was really attractive.

 'Won't you die wearing those jeans right now? It's like.. 95 F outside.' He joked. I smiled, 

'everything for fashion' leaving out the fact that I just didn't know how Fahrenheit worked and therefore took the wrong clothes with me. Connor led me to the office and he pushed the red button on the wall. It honestly looked like one of those self-destruct buttons in movies. Luckily it wasn't. It was a button that made all the water in the pool magically disappear, I mean it  drained the pool. We then walked out and Connor locked the door. 

'Starbucks?' I asked. Connor shook his head, 

'No there's this really cute place across from it that has way better coffee' Connor said with a look of hope in his eyes, I knew he was one to be excited over coffee. It suited him perfectly. We crossed the street and walked towards the coffee shop he was talking about. It was indeed very sunny outside and I was sweating like crazy, but tried to keep it cool. I was relieved we didn't go to Starbucks, as I mentioned before; I'm not their biggest fan. It's quite alright though.


omg, thank you all for 250 reads, last time I updated it had like 150 so I'm really grateful (: also, it's quite late so excuse me if there are any weird sentences in this chapter. I'll probably fix them when I read it over tomorrow :'D

don't forget to vote and comment if you like <3

xo -J

The Lost Boy and the Starseed ✓ (tronnor)Where stories live. Discover now