Chapter 36

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Y/N: You guys think i'm cool right?

Camila: Of course

Normani: Totally

Ally: Yep!

Dinah: Duh!

Lauren: The coolest person I know <3

Y/N: You guys aren't just saying that because you guys are my friends right?

Y/N: And you aren't just saying that because you are my girlfriend right?

Lauren: No babe you are really cool :)

Ally: Yeah, remember that one time we came over and you had that boss ass little party for us at your place, that was so fun!

Y/N: Yeah I remember that, it was pretty fun

Lauren: Did someone say you were 'uncool'

Y/N: its just that, I'm Almost 22 years old and I don't do much, my other friends make fun of me for it... I don't seem very cool :(

Normani: Bro, You are chill af and those friends don't matter when you got us because they don't know you like we do, so don't worry about them okay?

Y/N: Okay.

Dinah:But dawg for real why are you still hanging around them?

Y/N: I hung around them since I was in high school so they just stuck

Lauren: I still love you

Y/N: Forever and Always?

Lauren: Forever and Always.

Dinah: SOOOOOOO...

Lauren: ;)

Y/N: ;)

Ally: :(

Normani: :(

Dinah: :(

Camila: :D

Dinah: Your not suppose to make that face, your suppose to frown like the rest of us.

Camila: I'm different so DEAL WITH IT :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Dinah: :/

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