Cameron's Idea

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Cameron's POV
As I was eating , alone , I saw a bunch of people crowded by the lunch door. So , I go and be nosy. I make my way to the front of the crowd. Everybody is staring at a door. Why the fuck are y'all- a random dude interrupts me.

Dude there is a girl in the there screaming your name. CAMERON! I heard coming from the closed door. It sounded like....OH NO. I ran to the door , while everyone was watching me. People had their phones out and were recording. I didn't care. I stuck a paper clip inside the keyhole to the closet. Omg it opened. I saw Bri laying on the floor with her shirt half way up. And that guy Chris on top of her. MOVE! I say while shoving Chris off of Bri. I picked up Bri. I took my right arm and put it around her waist and picked her up , then put her towards me. Her legs were around my waist and her arms were around my neck. I kissed her and saw a flash go off. Once again , I didn't care. I put Bri down , then we stormed off from the crowd. I took out my phone as me and Bri were strolling through the hallway.

What are you doing ? Bri says. Callin Braden! I say with relief. NO! She screamed and tried to take my phone. Why not?and why the fuck you yellin? I say putting my phone behind my back. Because! She said as we were walking out of the building. I walk away from her , then start to call her dad. She went to go sit down on the sidewalk.
(Braden is Bri's dad incase u forgot)
Braden : hello ... Cameron ?
Me : Braden right ?
Braden : yes Cameron what do you want , aren't you supposed to be in school ?
Me : I am but something happened
Braden : LIKE !?
Me : well ...
Braden : oh lord
Me : Bri was in a closet with these boys-
Me : NO NO haha let me finish ... They were going to rape her I think. Because she was yelling my name while they were trying to take her shirt off.
Braden : I'll be over ! Make sur-
The phone hung up.

I went over to Bri and sat next to her. I put my left arm around her , as she was on my left side with her head in my shoulder. You ok ? I say. She sniffed. I took my other hand and lifted her head up by putting my fingers under her chin. We locked eyes.

I just want you to know that I think your the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world and I like you a lot...I don't care if you don't like me but I actually want to love you , is their a way I can prove that to you ?

Oh my god cam! She said getting up and wiping her tears. She stuck her arms out asking for a hug. I stood up and hugged her. Why don't we go out of town and .... DO somethin?! I whispered as my face is against her neck. We release the hug. Bri's phone buzzed. Who's that ? I asked. Says someone tagged us in a photo...on Instagram! She said. I stood next to her and put my chin on her shoulder , she laughed. The picture someone tagged us in was when I picked up Bri after 'saving' her from 'the closet'.
(The pic at the top is what it looked like) Wow were hot haha. I say trying to cheer her up. Who took this ? Bri said. Prolly someone from that crowd. I say.

Before I could hug Bri , Braden showed up. We hopped in the car. I was going to follow Bri while we were getting in the back of the car but , Braden told me to sit up front. So um Braden do you think we would be going on vacation anytime soon ? I ask. Well I was actually thinking about that Cameron. He says. Well I think Bri and I should go ........alone ? I say. FOR WHAT ? He yells. JUST to know each other well. I scream but then lower my voice. But um I guess y'all can do that though beca- Bri interrupted shockingly. REALLY! She said with excitement. HEY! Don't get to excited , there better not be any 'funny business' goin on though you understand? He says.

Yes sir , that would never happen ..... we're siblings. I winked at Bri.

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