Acceptance and Failure

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Ash was just fixing his room along with Pikachu but he noticed that something was missing. He didn't quite know what it was so he searched through his room and Gary walked in and just stared at Ash.

Gary: Ash, what in the heck are you looking for?

Ash: I don't know exactly. But it's something important. But I can't put my finger on it. Man. I can't figure out what's missing. 

Ash turned to his bed and then looked at his bedside and saw an empty case on his drawer. It took him a while to find out what it was but he finally figured out what was missing from his room.

Ash: Gary!

Gary turned and saw Ash run from his room downstairs which caused him to dump his head with the door and then Ash finally made it to Gary,

Gary: What is up with you today? You're acting really strange today. 

Ash: My half is missing!

Gary: Your...what?

Ash: My half of that pokeball that we split when we were kids! I can't find it anywhere!

Gary: Oh, that. I thought you were responsible one from the both of us.

Ash: Gary, this is serious. Help me find it.

Gary: Okay, first we need to retrace your steps from this morning. 

Ash: Okay, I was waking up from last night and my back was a buzzkill.

Gary: You're welcome by the way.

Ash: Okay, after that. I made breakfast, went to my mom's house to visit her...and Mr.Mime found something and threw it away....

Gary: And do you know what it threw away?

Ash: No....wait!

Gary: Bingo. We have a winner. Now let's go back to your mom's house and look threw every single trash can and maybe see some baby pictures of you and me. 

Ash: Gary, this is serious. Aren't you mad at me for losing that half?

Gary: Of course not, Ash, that's a material thing. I want you to know that I'll still love you even if you lost your half forever but I can see that it is very important to you so let's go find it.

Ash: Really?

Gary: Really really.

Ash: Okay. Thanks Gary.

Gary: No problem babe. Just wait, in a couple of months, we're going to be married.

Ash: Yeah, its a lot to take in.

Gary: Are you not happy?

Ash: Of course I'm happy. You're the best thing that's happened to me besides Pikachu.

Pikachu: Chu!! 

Gary: Ash, the garbage truck is going to pick up your mom's trash in like 20 minutes. 

Ash: Why did you say that earlier! Let's go!

They ran to Delia's home and noticed the garbage truck was arriving at the same time.

Ash: No!

Delia: Ash honey what's wrong? 

Ash: I need to look through your dumpster!

Delia: Is this another one of these phases you had as child?

Ash steps back and runs, then dives into the dumpster and is sorting through all the disgusting filth.

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