Death Note

1.9K 91 67

Aries: Ryuk

Taurus: L  -L Lawliet-

Gemini: Rem

Cancer: Watari  -Quillsh Wammy-

Leo: Near  - Nate River-

Virgo: Light Yagami

Libra: Teru Mikami

Scorpio: Soichiro Yagami

Sagittarius: Misa Amane

Capricorn: Matt  -Mail Jeevas-

Aquarius: Mello  - Mihael Keel-

Pisces: Naomi Misora



A/N: Sooo here is another zodiac for Death Note and a TON of people have been asking for this one so here it is. Sorry if I happen to not have a lot of characters because i can only choose a few, hope you understand. But anyway  Enjoy! ~ Haru

💫ANIME ZODIAC💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora