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Tauriel turned to leave, disappearing through the open door. Kili was crying out in pain. I looked over at Aleron, who was deathly pale. Suddenly we heard Bofur's voice from outside:
"What are you doing?" His nervous voice asked.
"I'm going to save him," said Tauriel. She rushed back inside, holding a bunch of Kingsfoil. We hauled Kili up onto the table, which was no easy feat because he was kicking and screaming in pain. Tauriel washed the Kingsfoil in the bowl of hot water that Tilda was holding.
"Hold him down," Tauriel ordered to the rest of us.
"You try coming over here and doing it yourself," I heard Aleron growl as she was nearly kicked in the face by Kili's flailing leg. Kili was screaming, I grimaced as I saw his pained face. Tauriel held the Kingsfoil to his leg, reciting in Elvish. Kili began to scream louder, even little Tilda had to help hold him down.
"It's not bloody working," Aleron growled as Kili began to hyperventilate. Suddenly, Kili's cries began to die down, he stopped thrashing and the pained grimace left his face. He laid back and closed his eyes, his breathing becoming calm. I stepped back, leaving everyone else to it. I went to Aleron, who had already gone and sat down. She seemed somewhat irritated.
"You all right?" I asked.
"If I murdered that elf, do you think anyone would notice?" She snarled.
"I think just might notice," I chuckled. I looked at Aleron and immediately stopped laughing.
"If you ask me, she's bloody annoying. We do most of the work, making sure he didn't die. Then, she sweeps in, steals his heart and takes all the credit for saving his life!" She spat venomously. I nodded, she did have a point. I looked over a Kili and Tauriel, they were talking. She had the faintest smile on her lips as he muttered weakly to her. The sight of the two of them sent a pang of pain through my heart. I saw where Aleron was coming from, she had every right to dislike Tauriel. I couldn't help but think of Thorin. Not the Thorin who had betrayed me, my Thorin. The Thorin I loved. The Thorin I had lost...

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