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I stopped by the bathroom to wash my face and then snuck into the room.

Miriam was snoring as I climbed up the little step ladder to my bed. I'd grown comfortable with the copious amount of noises she made in her sleep. At this point they were almost lulling.

Even with the events of the day, I fell asleep swifty.

I was awoken by a chiming noise and Miriam's groans.

"It's your laptop."

I rubbed my eyes with one hand and extended the other.

She sighed, got up and tossed the computer onto my bunk.

It was Cam trying to Skype me.

I clicked it on and her face filled up my screen.

"What do you want?" I said, still not totally awake.

"Dad's new girlfriend is weird."

Since dad moved closer to town Cammy started spending time there. It was an adjustment for them both, but I was happy they were finally seeing eachother on occasion.

"She's just a Buddhist, be nice."

"She's not a Buddhist."

"I'm pretty sure that's what she is."

"She's meditating on the roof right now I don't think that'd their thing."

"Is this really why you woke me up at," I checked the time, "seven fifteen?"

She was in the process of getting ready for school while she talked. I could see the hair curler poking out at the edge of the screen.

"I was also wondering if you had my paisley skirt."

"No I don't even like that skirt."

"You just have bad taste, we've been over this." She said as she brushed on some mascara

I sat up, "You probably just left it at mom's."


"This is seriously why you woke me up?"

"Pretty much," she smiled mischievously, "How's Lorne?"

"Gross." I groaned.

"Oh come on, he's not bad."

"Gross." I emphasized.

She smacked her hand on her vanity, "He's cute."

"He's way to old for you, he's practically too old for me."

"It'll be legal in a few months though, so it can't be that bad."

"Nope, still gross," I said, and then called to the bunk below me, "Miriam, it's gross isn't it?"

"Really gross." She mumbled into her pillow.

"See, she agrees with me."

"That's just because she's half asleep."

"Because you woke her up."

"Fine, but we're continuing this discussion later, I'm not giving up."

I groaned, "Talk to you later sis."

She stuck her tongue out at me and hung up.

I closed the laptop and set it at the end of my bed.

Jumping down I said, "Sorry about that." To Miriam.

"It's fine, I have to get up anyway." She said as she turned over and pulled the blanket up over her shoulders.

I chuckled and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When I came back she'd managed to pull herself up into a sitting position and was doing something on her phone.

I sat down at my desks and started messing with my hair and makeup.

There was nothing better for the nerves than doing makeup. It was one of the things I'd taken solace in if I was feeling uncomfortable or overwhelmed.

There's something about the simple act of grooming that makes you feel like you have just a little bit more control over your life.

When I was done I did one final check, trying to contain my anticipation.

I was going to see Peter. Someone I'd kind of assumed to be dead until yesterday. But somehow he was back in my life.

Grabbing my stuff I said goodbye to Miri, closed the door behind me and hopped down the stairs.

The biting winter air wasn't as bad as it usually was, and the slight rise in temperature left tiny puddles of melted snow for me to dodge as I made my way down the street.

I crossed the road to avoid the greenhouse construction that was eating up the sidewalk and got honked at by someone who didn't seem to be having nearly as good of a day as I was.

The walk was long, as usual, but I felt okay. The clopping sound of my shoes was confident and happy.

When I got to the alley way he wasn't there. Something that threatened to dampen my mood.

I looked around, suddenly worried that he'd made an escape. But I heard a small laugh and turned to look at the old woman sitting in the middle of the alley like she always did.

But this time instead of staring me down she stood up and gathered up he stuff, dumping it a few feet away.

She went back to the manhole, crouched next to it and pressed her ear to the cold metal.

I stepped forward curiously. But it clicked as I watched this woman, who looked frail and tiny, dig her fingers into the sides of the metal top and drag it away from the opening.

I stepped forward to try and help but she warned me away with a cutting glance.

After a few more jerks and weary looks from the other people sleeping in the alleyway, the hole was completely uncovered. I stepped forward and peered inside.

I saw the scratch marks along the inside before I saw Peter, crouching at the bottom, staring up at me.

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