Are You Alright?

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       You don't really know what to say. Things went well between you and Dan, but you don't really know if he's alright. You were so distracted by the fact he was cradling you in his arms, that you seemed to have forgotten about the whole reason why you rushed over here so late at night in the pouring rain. "y/n? Are you okay?" Phil says waving his hand in front of your face. You had been staring into the wall, frozen by Phil's question. "Oh...sorry. Um, yeah it went well, I think. I don't really know. We did a lot of cuddling and we sat in bed awhile and that's about it. We really didn't talk much, now that I think about it." You respond, slightly caught off-guard for some reason. "Oh, alright. Well, today I'll be out for awhile shopping for some things, so that'll give you two some time to talk. I know you are doing better than Dan is, but you seem kind of distant today. Are you sure you're fine, y/n?" You look at Phil. He has a concerned look on his face, like something had happened between you and Dan last night. His expression could only be compared to that of a small, confused puppy. Comparing the two makes you giggle softly. "I'm fine, Phil, I promise." You say with a smile. You smile is genuine because you seriously are fine. "I'm just a little caught up in my thoughts is all." Phil's expression fades into a reassured smile as he opens the fridge and crouches down to grab the milk for the pancakes. "Okay, but you know you can always tell me if something's wrong, right?" he says while rummaging through the cluttered fridge. "Yeah, I know." You respond. You could always tell Phil anything. He was one of the best listeners you're ever known. "Now, how about we get back to the pancakes?" You say as your stomach rumbles. "I agree-- ow!" Phil replies banging the back of his skull on the top of the freezer door trying to pop his head up from the fridge with the milk in hand. You laugh. Phil could always put a smile on your face, no matter what the situation. "Oh, and congrats on becoming internet official with Dan." Phil smirks as he gathers more ingredients. You blush. "Yeah. Thanks, I guess." You respond as you then shuffle over to the other side of the kitchen to help with the pancakes.

Danisnotonfire/x/Reader Fanfiction: Existential CrisisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora