#62 Spill

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You walked along the sidewalk of south London. It was a gorgeous day; the sun was out and the wind was soft but just hard enough to cool you down.  You wore blue jeans with a black zip up sweater and a tank top underneath.

There was several people walking along the sidewalk and crossing the busy streets. 

You looked behind you slightly to look at a noise you had heard, but you kept walking. 

Suddenly you felt someone bump into you; and a cup of hot liquid fell over your clothes. It was burning hot and it almost hurt. "shit!" you said pulling your sweater a ways away from your skin, you spun around to face the person with a surprised facial expression. 

"Oh my god- I'm so sorry" The boy said sighing and eyeing you up and down. "i was walking fast and i wasnt watching where i was going" He put his cup down and grabbed a few napkins he had on him and gave them to you. 

You just shook your head and unzipped your sweater, you took it off and held it over your left arm. You looked at the boy and sighed, but this time you looked at him differently. He had sandy blonde hair that fell over his forehead; His eyes were a dark chocolaty color and his body was quite slim. 

"its fine" You shook your head and looked down, You began to walk past him but you felt a hand on your arm stop you. 

"wait- its not okay, let me do something to earn my forgiveness" He slipped his hand off of your arm and he stared at you.

You looked at him, "like what?" 

"I could take you out for lunch or buy you a new sweater" He raised an eyebrow with a small smile on his face. 

You looked down and you smiled slightly. "i am kind of hungry" you looked back up at him. 

"Good." he smiled and held out his hand. "My name's Thomas, by the way." 

"Y/N" You smiled and shook his hand. 

Maybe this wasnt  going to be so bad. 




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