Lee & the Securely Fastened Car Seat

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Lee & the Securely Fastened Car Seat
(Theodore: 3 months old)

"How're you feeling?" I asked, cradling my phone between my ear and shoulder as I locked up the business.

"I've been better," Naomi croaked.

"You sound terrible, babe."


I laughed, twirling my keys around my finger as I headed out to my car. "Want me to pick up dinner?"

"I couldn't eat it even if you did."

"Maybe some soup?"

I was met by silence, and I leaned against the side of my car, waiting for her instruction.

"Emily just texted me."

"She's picking up soup?" I asked, unlocking my car.

"No, babe, focus."

I chuckled, sliding into the driver's seat.

"She's stuck at work and can't pick up Theo."

My jaw immediately tightened, my stomach clenching.

"Lee?" Naomi asked, when I didn't say anything.

"What about Parker?"

"He's out of town."


She let out a sigh. "He's already picking up Jamie."

"And he can't pick up Theo too?" I asked, feeling my heartbeat start to accelerate in my chest.

"Lee, please."

I glanced in my backseat at the unused car seat, the plastic still on the buckles.

"Are you still there?" Naomi asked me.

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding, leaning back against my seat. "In what sense?"

"Lee, I can't go and pick him up. I can't even pick myself up off of the bathroom floor."

"I don't even know how to buckle him into that thing," I sputtered. "What if it's faulty? We've never even used it. Is it car accident safe? Safety impact tested? What if something were to happen and the car seat gave because-"

Naomi interrupted me. "Lee, take a breath." She used her calm, soothing voice, one I hear her use so often in the office. Her therapist voice. "I'll call Emmett, I'm sure he'll pick up Theo. It'll just be a little late but the sitter owes us anyways. Just breathe, okay?"

I ran my shaking hands through my hair, trying to take a few calming breaths.

Theodore is my kid. Whether I like it or not, Naomi is out of commission. And I need to step up and do this.

Even if it kills me.

"Text me the sitter's address," I said, my voice still uneven. "I'll do it."

There were a few moments of silence on the other end. "Are you sure, Lee? I don't want you to be too anxious or worry yourself sick."

"He's my fucking kid, isn't he? Text me the address."

There were a few moments of silence and I felt a twinge of guilt for snapping. But my driving anxiety was already bad enough, putting a kid in my backseat wasn't going to help things.

"I'll see you when you get home," Naomi said, and then the line clicked dead.

I let out a frustrated sigh, leaning my forehead against the steering wheel.

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