The Demon Whisperer

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Copyright 2011 Tawny Stokes This work is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work, or portion thereof, is any form. This work may not be resold or uploaded for distribution to others.

**finished book is available for purchase at Amazon**

Chapter 1

          The skin on Alan Bigby’s pock-marked face rippled as if something was alive underneath it.  Something big and bad and nasty wanted out to rip something apart.  Unnatural black veins popped out on his forehead and temples as he bucked and writhed against the iron shackles chaining him to the chair.  The fat rolls of his enormous ass hung over the sides and jiggled with each spasm.  If it had been under different circumstance I would’ve laughed at that.

            “I’m going to rip out your innards, Butcher, and eat them raw,” he spat at me.

Then he really did spit.  Viscous green phlegm spewed from between his thin cracked lips and landed on the toe of my black Doc Marten.  Disgusted, I shook it off, and then dug into the beat-up, brown leather bag I had slung over my shoulder and across my chest for the holy water.  It was time to get busy.  No more messing around.  I had to exorcise this guy and be done with it.  The money from this one would pay the rent for the condo my dad and I had.  Groceries too for a few months.

“Not today, you’re not,” I said as I unscrewed the silver cap on the bottle of holy water.

I glanced over at Eleanor Bigby standing in the corner wide-eyed, wringing her hands as she watched in horror as her husband twisted and pulled at the restraints I had put on him.  He was bound to a metal chair in the middle of a pentagram that I’d inscribed in blessed chalk on the blond hardwood floor of their big expensive house overlooking the Hollywood Hills.  I could see the white sign out the front bay windows.

She probably had no idea that when she called the Butchers to exorcize the demon possessing her husband that it would look like this.  She probably thought watching her fat husband crab-walk across the ceiling of their bedroom was disturbing enough.

“Dude, is he going to hurt himself?”

I glanced over my shoulder at the guy holding the camera trained on Alan Bigby.  He had shaggy blond hair and a freshly clipped soul patch that I nearly envied.  Except I didn’t like him much.  He was a dick with too much time and money on his hands.

“For the last time, dude, shut up.  I’m the only one supposed to be talking,” I answered, forgetting that the exorcism was being televised.

Trey Summers was an up-and-coming film maker, touted to be the next Tarantino, but I thought he was a hack.  He’d directed one lousy music video for some useless pop star and voila, he was an insta-star.  I thought he was a talentless hack with delusions of grandeur and of getting a lot of ass.  Although he did appear to be getting quite a bit by the looks of the two chicks he’d come to the house with.

The red-head smiled at me around the little white straw she had in her mouth.  She was enjoying the drink just a bit too much.

I didn’t smile back.  It kind of made my stomach churn that she’d come to an exorcism for a good time.  The fact that the house was full of people, watching, waiting, while drinking and enjoying finger food passed out by waiters in tuxes, made me down right nauseous.  Why in hell did I hang out with these people?  Why did I ever agree to this being put on TV?  Ten thousand, that was why.

Seven in my pocket, well me and my dad’s pockets, and three to the International Order of Exorcists.  Because they were going to be some pissed that I agreed to the recording.  It was against the order’s mandates to involve the media in what we did.  The world knew we, meaning exorcists, existed but we preferred to keep our business on the down low.  But since I’d been crowned the exorcist to the stars, I figured it was good publicity for everyone involved.  I was hoping the three grand would appease the more militant members of the I.O. into letting me off with a warning.

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