It Only Takes Once (Chapter 10)

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It is VERY important that you pay CLOSE attention to this chapter or else some of you will be confused as hell.

"Okay, guess who I've been talking to lately?" I said before biting into my breadstick. I was having dinner with Victoria, Jayde, and my sisters at Olive Garden.

"Who girl?" Shakayla asked before taking a sip of her wine.

"Byron" I said trying to hide the smile that was creeping up on my face.

"What the hell Shak?" Shamika asked almost spitting out her soup

"I thought his ass was in jail" Shalandra said looking confused

"What the hell are you talking to him for?" Shakayla asked me with a stank look on her face.

"Who the hell is Byron and what in the hell did he do to ya'll?" Jayde asked looking around the table for an anawer.

"We're waiting for answers Shakayln, you can't say some shit like that and then get all quiet" Vicroria said pointing her fork at me.

"Okay well Byron is my ex from a couple years ago" I explained to Jayde "He cheated on me with my best friend from high school" I said before taking a much needed sip of my water.

"Oh, that's the one that you bleached his clothes and keyed his Benz" She said nodding her head.

"Yeah that's him" I said shaking my head

"Okay so why have you been talking to him again?" Shamika asked snapping her fingers to get my attention.

"Well he brought me lunch one day last week and I ended up telling him about mama and daddy. He comforted me and we exchanged numbers because I invited him to come to their graves and we've just been talking ever since then" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Are you forgeting that this is the same man that put you in the hospital because he beat you upside your head and not to mention he cheated on you" Shamika said squinting her eyebrows at me.

"Mika he-" I began to say

"Hold the hell up, what you mean he beat you upside your head. Does K.D know about this nigga?" Jayde said getting fired up

"No he doesn't know and he won't know. Second of all I have a confession; I know I made it seem like Byron just beat my ass. Well I kind of lied, he didn't really beat me up" I said the last part quickly, a part of me was hoping they didn't hear what I said.

"Shakayln what the hell?" Victoria and Shalandra yelled at the same time making some of the customers look at our table.

"I know, I know! I was just so angry and hurt by what he did. I wanted him to hurt just like I hurt" I said wiping my eyes.

"So you sent him to jail? Shak that was not the thing to do" Shakayla said shaking her head in disbelief

"I know trust me I do, I regret it every day. I just knew he would hate me when he got out; he spent five and a half years in jail because of me, he didn't graduate college because of me, he is a ex convict because of me, he couldn't follow his dreams because of me, I had everyone hating him because of me. He was too in love with me to say anything back then, he won't even let me apologize for what I did because he still loves me, even though I sent him to jail for something he didn't do" I said before putting my face in my hands. I felt a hand rubbing my back and my sisters talking to me.

"Then what really happened that night, you still ended up in a coma" Shalandra asked with confusion written all over her face.

"Basically I was the one hitting on him and pushing him around, I went to the kitchen and got a knife, he saw the knife and tried to restrain me. He pushed me away from him and I ended up falling and hitting my head on the edge of the coffee table" I said before breaking down in sobs again. "I ruined his life and he still loves me" I cried into Victoria's shoulder.

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