Chapter 1 First day of school

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Drama... Everyone has it. If you don't, well that's impossible.

This year I have been trying to stay out of it, but is is nearly impossible in a heck hole called school. You don't know anything about me, yet. But you'll soon find out.

It's just after new years and we are all back to school. Sadly. First day back and my hair doesn't wanna agree with me. Thanks universe. I decide to just brush it and throw it into a messy bun. I apply eyeliner and mascara, although it still doesn't look right. I blame it on my violet eyes, but my friends tell me I look great.

Once inside the school I'm greeted by my best friend Ericka Johnson. We've clicked since pre-k and we are finally seniors. Her boyfriend, Damon, literally popped up behind her. Oh, I probably didn't mention, we are vampires. Damon has the power to be invisible. It still gives me the creeps. ESPECIALLY when I want to take a shower. Once, he appeared in my shower and said "Opps, sorry, thought you were Ericka." And just disappeared like nothing happened. I still had suds in my hair, but I got out and dressed really quickly after that.

I have the power to use all four elements: earth, air, water, and my favorite, fire. Anyone can tell when I'm mad, because my eyes get red and if I'm really peed off, my hair looks like its on fire. So basically people know not to mess with me when I'm mad. Both me and my best friend can read minds, and can talk into someone's mind. Kind of like mindlink. But unlike some stories you have heard, we can't control their minds. Mind link comes in handy during class.

BTW, the only way to be a vampire is to be born that way. Not bitten like in the Twilight movies. We don't really even need blood. And if we do its only when we are on the brink of dying due to us losing to much blood. And then we can just grab a deer or something. But humans taste gross with all the processed foods and drinks they consume. Anyway, back to school, I ignore her douche of a boyfriend and go to my locker. Before I can open it, my boyfriend James hugs me from behind.

"James, I have to grab my books. Just because you don't care about school doesn't mean that I have to be the same way." I tell him.

James has the power to remember everything he sees, or hears. He said its a blessing and a curse.

"I know, that's what I love about you. You actually pay attention in class," he stats.

"Well, I don't remember everything like some people."

"You know you could just ease drop into the teachers head and get the answers you want," he said confidently.

"Yes, I could, but I'm not going to. It's just not right. Just like I don't go through yours, Erika's, or Damon's minds." I say while giving him a look.

"I've told you this before, I don't care if you go through mine. I've got nothing to hide, " Ericka replied.

The bell rings signalling the beginning of the day which causes us to go in different directions. Ericka and I to the math wing, while the both head to the science wing.


So, my story isn't descriptive. I know. But I'd rather have the reader imagine the characters their own way, also because I'm not very good at being descriptive.

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