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Your POV

I was running to Kiki's and I bumped into someone and fell "OOF!" we say and giggle I see a gaurd with amour,Chocolate  brown hair with pink tips in a pony tail, chocolate brown eye's, and elemental sword. "SORRY!" I sqeek "I-i-it's fine~" She stutters "Are you new?" She asks and I nod "I'm going to my friend Kiki'e house!" I tell her happily she giggles "Well I'm Ashley! If you need anything you can come to me or Lord Aphmau!" She tells me I nod "Bye!" I wave and I see a barn "KIKI!" I yell and hug the red head infront of me "Y/N!?" She asks "YE!" I say and giggle "WA! HOW!? WHERE ARE THE OTHERS!?" She yells "Right *pant* here..." Max says "I DIDN'T GET TO RUN TODAY!" I say "She's *pant* too *pant* HYPER!" Ross exclaims 

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