7 Minutes In Heaven - Artman x Reader

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Deo pulled a paper out of the hat. Deo smiled and pointed at artman "Artman! Your next!" Artman smiled and walked up to you. You wave at him.

"Hey artman! Um..." He smirks "...lets go? Ok then..~" he grabs your wrist and pulls you into the closet. You look behind you while you were being dragged.

Deo gave a little smirk and gave a thumb up. You did a finger at Deo and got in the closet. Vendetta shut the door. Artman threw you to the floor.

You did a Yelp and artman crawled over to you. You blush. Artman smirked and kissed your lips. You replied and kissed him back.

He strokes your (H/C) hair. You put your arms around artmans neck. He licks your bottom lip for access. You opened your mouth letting him explore your territory.

You moaned through the kiss and artman smirked. He broke the FRENCH kiss, and starts to lick your neck. He nibbled and licks on your sweet spot.

You moaned loudly "a-ah~! Artman...~" he whispers in your ear "yes sweetie~?" He starts nibbling on your ear. You blush madly. You grip on artmans beret.

Artman starts to take out your shirt. Artman drooled at the sight "nice body (y/n)~" you covered yourself "s-shut up..." He removes your hands from yourself.

You grunted and pushed Artman. You sat on top of him, while he was sitting beside the wall. You start to kiss him hard. Artman smirks and squeezes your butt cheeks.

You Yelp and giggled a little. You guys were a blushing mess...

Suddenly vendetta opens the door and you guys hear a snap and saw a flash. You guys looked at Ven was holding a camera "um...hey!"

Then he runs away from the closet. You grunted in anger "VENDATTTTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" Vendetta chuckles and puts the picture in a book

(A little sneak peak of the end of this book. Or. Maybe never because Deo is making many characters XD)

You put back on your shirt and got out of the closet. You saw vendetta and he was just swaying casually with his hands on his back. You punched vendetta in arm.

He did a ow "oh shit. Since when your strong..?" You raised a brow "really..?" Artman walked up to you guys and he slapped vendetta in the face.

"Does that hurt more..?" He rubbed his face "what the fuck guys..."

You both did a finger at him...

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