Nyan cat disscovers love

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                Chapter      2

  As nyan cat stood at the bottom of the deep dark deathly hill he thought

“This may be the end for me but I need to get these animals safe!” he started climbing…  and he realised he was growing stronger. The feelings he had for the animals grew and destroyed the horrible feelings he had before. He marched up! He dodged the ghastly winds and dodged the ghosts from the horrible memory’s everyone in nyan world had. As he got further Screaming pumpkins stared at nyan cat as he triumphed up the hill. As they stared nyan cat grew weak and dizzy but the thought of screams kept him going. He didn’t want to listen to them!  But he had no choice. He was nearly there. There was no going back, He ha- He wanted to go!

After a while he realised he was at the front door step of the dark Brocken ramshackle cottage dotted on the hill. There was silence as nyan cat stared and wondered what horrible things happen in that cottage. He tried to get it out of his mind but how could he? It was there in front of him! The cottage! He thought to himself

“No going back No going back!” he pushed the door of the old cottage open and found him self in a house full of pictures of The nyan cat family. Nyan cats ancestors all pictured right there! He gave a small yelp.

A door at the end on the room opened A cage of animals Slid out A dead Monster fell on the floor dead no life at all then all of the sudden a girl nyan cat walks out and freezes. Nyan cat stared in amazement as this beautiful girl nyan cat appears from the room. They both smiled. He ran he kicked the cage. Billions of birds, rabbits and chickens came flooding out of the cottage.

Nyan cat grabbed girl nyan cats hand and they both ran out of the door before something els happened they both got the the bottom of the hill before they both knew it they jumped they kissed and they took to the sky a year later and they still woke up together and kept on tacking to the sky.

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