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A picture of a boy above.

Alice was sitting in the living room on the floor I don't why and doing something on a holographic panel that was floating just above 10cm from the floor.

God! She was weird

"What are you doing?"

"Taylor this land is going to be submerged within 42 hours, I need you and your 3 friends to start evacuation." She said in a robotic voice

My hand froze and I ran to Ryan. He was sitting on the roof and doing some calculations. He gave me a smile and I hugged him tight.

He read the distress on my face

"What's wrong Taylor?"

I quickly spilled out everything, he grabbed my hand and we called others. We started collecting all things we had managed to get out of our old houses that meant something to us.

Alice came and said " The boys will be here soon to pick up us in 25 minutes. " Zac and Stephany talked to her about something. All I thought was about Ryan, he had changed alot, his frail frame was now all muscular and strong.

We loaded everything into two huge wooden drums. We heard loud sounds that gave me goosebumps from the sky and 2 sphere shaped black and white aircrafts landed and around them were 20 white drones.

 We heard loud sounds that gave me goosebumps from the sky and 2 sphere shaped black and white aircrafts landed and around them were 20 white drones

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Alice shouted " the boys are here load up whatever you guys want." Even for a God she seemed pretty cool. She wasn't like we humans imagined Greek Gods, she didn't drape in herself in Greek clothing all the time.

She wore normal clothes like us if you would have spotted her anywhere on the streets you wouldn't have a thought that she was a Goddess. She instructed some men in black suits with yellow eyes which had come from the aircrafts.

She took us inside the gigantic aircrafts. She told us the these were called Boys and were used by SHEILD an organisation which was setup by the Olympian Gods to protect the Olympian councils interests.

(The Marvel universe SHEILD and the SHEILD here are two different organisation)

I held Ryan's hand and we walked inside the Boys, we then sat and I kept my head on Ryan's collar bone and we took a short nap.

YOU : Book 1Where stories live. Discover now