Chapter 7: How I Met Your Mother

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Be it his life that was cursed since the day he was born or the bad luck his neighbor brought along with the clock she threw on him, he was definitely the most misfortune person that ever walked on the Earth.

"So," his father started as Nikolas sighed, "What is your excuse this time?"

By the pure luck did Nikolas avoid being interrogated by Vicent in the building hall since the meeting was about to start in three minutes, which saved him some time to escape without being noticed. Although he noticed the looks of all people in the meeting because of his cap, none of them dared to ask about it. Not that he minded anyway.

So, back to the point, once the meeting was over and he made sure that everything was 120% ready to go on even with his absence, he dissmised them all and tried to leave before his father came back to question him. If something was definite, then it was the fact that Satan would rather become a fairy than that man gave up on his investigation.

So, the very same second Nikolas stepped out of the conference room, he was met with his father wearing that do-not-fuck-with-me-boy-I've-dealt-with-much-worse-matters-and-am-not-giving-up-on-this-either look that promised hell. Which further led to current situation:

Nikolas sitting on the sofa like a man charged for crime while Vincent sat comfortably on his 'bossy' side of desk scratching his chin. Truly the scene prepared for someone guilty of crime. Luckily, his cap was still on, but it was only the matter of time before it was gone and his secret revealed.

"Yes, father," he finally replied with defeated sigh knowing that there's no turning back.

Vincent was probably the only fifty years old geezer without a single grey on his hair. His gold hair that was the proudest and most precious thing in their entire family was still there giving him the younger looks which would surely attract a widow or two. His old, blue eyes surrounded by bags and lines that were probably the only thing true to his years were still full of life and mischief as if a child in him was asking: "What do I try next?". He had obsession with coats and gloves, that was the first thing he'd brag about when meeting someone and aside from that, the only noticeable thing about his face aside from his crystal clear eyes was probably a little scar above his lip. Apparently, as much as Nikolas knew, that was made by his mother. After giving birth to Nik's younger sister, Kaley, she died, no she was murdered. And although Vincent was young enough to get himself another wife, he never just as much as spared a glance at any other woman after her. As he said, just Nikolas being there for him was enough. Now, his fury for crashed classic was something else. He loved that damn car.

"Don't you 'father' me, I'm interrogating you here. It's 'boss'!" he put a serious face as he said that making Nik glare at him. No. He won't dance by his will.

"Anyway," he coughed twice before hardening his stare, "Take the cap off."

"No," was clear and quick response from Nik which made Vincent blink few times in shock. He never fought that hard which only made him more interested.

"I'll tie you for that chair and take it off myself if you don't do it in next five seconds," he threatened making Nikolas gulp. There was just something terrifying about your gather being the CEO and his domineering posture daring you to fight back of you can that the old fox still had. That made Nikolas feel like he was a five years old who broke something precious.

"No. I won't fall for it!" he firmly believed in and stood behind his words, he truly did... But so did Vincent. So the moment word "five", as he began his countdown, left his lips, he pulled the drawer in his desk before taking out the rope from it, Nikolas knew that he screwed and that if he didn't take it off the very same second, his father would. He might be old, but he was kicking harder than horse at that matter.

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