Chapter One: Fury Unbound

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A sword slammed into a frail body, her scream cut short by her death. The servant tumbled to the ground, her eyes widened in surprise.

His ripped, red cloak swept over her as he passed, his glowing blue eyes not even darting to her bloodied body.

The dark, misty halls of his abode welcomed death, welcomed his sinister presence; their master was home once more.

The Ro had not stepped in his home since before he had been banished to Capricornia. When he had returned to the world of the living through Redemptio, he had amused himself by visiting his old "allies". Seeing their pained surprise at his return was a satisfaction enough not to visit his abode immediately. And then there were those who seemed actually pleased with his return, those who had been eagerly awaiting this appointed time.

When he had Fallen, the Ros had been left in disorder. No one had stepped up to take charge, for he had been the head of the vicious snake that was the Ros, he the one who had the final say in discussions. And he had been gone for so long, this world getting so comfortable to their relative peace.

He was tired of peace.

The servant's blood hissed off his cruel silver blade, the cold snap of the blade dissipating the essence of her life. He could care less for her life; he could get more servants. But the girl who was missing from Redemptio, the one Ro'Lepr had lost...

A middle aged woman bowed to her master, her thinly hands reaching out with a bottle of wine. Her master looked at her slightly shaking hands with dark mirth.

His sword darted out and took her in the arm, slamming her to the floor with a wail of anguish. With a sweep of his cloak, he swiped up the bottle of wine, his glowing eyes appraising it with interest.

The world would crumble under their power, and no god, Major or Minor, on any continent, would be able to stop them. Ro'Argent feared none, and his power would be total. For prophecy was on their side, and with him back, the world was as good as theirs.

"I'll drink to that."

The Ro king turned to see his mortal captain stride toward him, silver ring lapping up the darkness of his home.

Stadulus stepped up to his deity, bowing low before him, his pudgy face clearly overjoyed.

The Ro could not help but feel pleasure. This man followed his orders to the point, was brutal and ruthless and had never let him down. Even when he was banished, this man had worked tirelessly to cause enough chaos and death to weaken the boundaries of his prison, allowing him to escape.

"My most loyal servant, what news do you bring from the Mortalrealm?"

Stadulus stood, his eyes gleaming with dark joy "Master, your prophecy is coming to fruition. I have finally managed one of your most important tasks of me. The pawn of shadows and light is now in our grasp. The darkness has truly tainted him and my researchers believe that he will gladly join our cause when he awakens." Stadulus waited for his master's praise, knowing full and well he was pleased.

Ro'Argent looked upon the Andanobian leader, his face devoid of emotion. But under his passive facade, he roared in triumph. "Well done, Stadulus. Continue to bring reports. And as ever, press the Alerdreamians to the ground. Yes, I will grind their pitiful country and gods under my heel."

Stadulus turned to leave, his face twisted in a mischievous grin.

DragonDog1; and that first chapter will set the pace for this book. Sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy!

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