Chapter 5

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"J-J-Hope w-what is that?"

"Just stay behind me."

I blush and looked at it again. I didn't feel scare well my mom and my stepdad are way scarier.

The demon was like a dog but more like a wolf. It had three heads and was three times the size of Rap Monster.

Where have I seen a three-headed dog before? Uh, what was the name? I can't remember.

"Cerberus calm down it is just us."


Now I remember the three-headed dog in mythology.

Cerberus only growl and knock the others out the way and came towards us.

"J-J-Hope. It's coming towards us."

He held my hand tight and ran back into the house into his room.

"Why did we run away? Aren't you a demon can't you do something."

"We can't do anything. This house restricted our powers so as you can say we are like ordinary humans."

My eye twitch and I let go of his hand. I held on to my sword really tight.

"Jiah what are you doing?"

"I'm going to face it."

"What no I can't let you get hurt. I don't something bad to happen to you."

"Look J-Hope I haven't known you for that long. And I can take care of myself because every day before I met you guys my life was all about getting hurt and each day wondering if this will be my death day. So I don't care if I get hurt I am going to stop this before any of you die. Even though I only knew you guys for like a day so ignore that speech."

I went out and the dog growl at me.

"Oh my gosh just shut up already okay I know you're tough."

He growls even louder and was about to hit me when I hit it with my sword even though it can't open.

I ran up to it's back and saw something weird. A stick was poking out and blood was dripping. I was about to touch it when Cerberus started moving.

"Eek. I am going to kill whoever sends this freaking dog."

I took out my sword and unravel it from the cloth. I tried opening it but it was shut closed. I pull again and then I heard something tearing or a crack.

I look and saw the talisman tearing.

"Finally and for a minute I thought I pulled something."

I pulled again and it open. I felt the power coming out and then a light suddenly came out too. I closed my eyes and then open to see if it was over.

There was a really good looking man floating from the sword and smile at me. He had blondish hair but also brown mix in. It was long and tied up. He had a kimono and one eye green while the other yellow.

This is totally something that would happen from an anime or a manga.

"Are you the-"

I closed it and pretend nothing happen. I wrap it back in the cloth and hung it around my shoulder. I held on to the dog ignoring the guys' call.

I went closer to the thing that was sticking out and touch it. I pull my hand quickly away because it burned.

"Jiah please get down!"

The demon king is my mate? (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now