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In most anime fandoms, as some of you probably know, fanfiction writers will put something before the name of a character, followed by an exclamation point, and then the character's name. This helps describe what traits will impact the character in the story. Try to add one to a sideman. Here's a list of possible additions. Ignore the names after the exclamation point, as they're just random, and replace them with a sideman of your choice.

2P!England: 2P is one of the most popular additions. It basically means the character being used is completely opposite of their usual self, and often times, the 2P is evil. The 2Pverse can be used alone, or along side the 1Pverse, in which case the 2P and 1P characters can meet, usually followed by either murder or romance. (Occasionally a 3P character will be seen, which is a mix of 1P and 2P, usually an outcast or loner)

Snapped!Canada: a snapped character describes when the character has had so much injustice in their lives, (usually stemming from bullying, being ignored, or other struggles) that they "snap" and basically murder everyone who has ever hurt them. These characters lose most of their own sense of morality, so they usually won't be persuaded to calm down by a victim or love interest. However, many stories snap two characters, and give them a beautiful romance full of murder, despair, and really rough sex.

Nyo!Russia/Fem!Russia: this one is pretty self explanatory. Basically the male character you choose becomes a girl. They still keep all the traits of the original character, and usually some variation of their male counterpart's clothing.

Pastel!Finland: This one means that the character wears mostly pastel colours, and usually this means the character is shy or quiet. Who knows why. It can either pertain to Pastel-Hipster or pastel-goth. Pastel-Hipster means big coloured glasses and barettes, but the character usually still has natural features and natural hair colour. Pastel-Goth is more out there and crazy, with usually brightly dyed hair and makeup. (Personally I prefer the first one. )

Neko!Italy: Neko is the Japanese word for cat, and means that the character is part cat, which can be simply a human with cat ears and a tail, anywhere up to a literal cat that just has a human voice.

Seme!Izaya: A Seme is dominant, or a power top

Uke!Shizuo: ukes are submissive or the bottom of a relationship.

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