Lee & the Faulty Ferris Wheel

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Lee & the Faulty Ferris Wheel

"I was just about to call you," Naomi informed me, tucking her phone back into her purse as I approached her. "Did you get lost in the parking lot?"

She was dressed in a simple pink dress, a teasing smile stretched across her face.

She was dressed in a simple pink dress, a teasing smile stretched across her face

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I just rolled my eyes. "Excuse me for having to park all the way out in Timbuktu."

She playfully shoved me as I held the door open for her with a laugh.

"Reservation for two, Lee Adams."

The hostess looked up my reservation as Naomi interlaced her fingers through mine, a soft smile on her face.

"What?" I questioned.

"I don't know. I'm just happy. Is that okay?"


She shook her head at me as she laughed.

"One cannot just be happy. There's always an underlying cause."

"Then I'm happy to be here with you."

"Now you're just getting sappy on me."

"Right this way Mr. Adams," the hostess said as she grabbed two menus.

Naomi led me along, swinging my hand as we navigated through the tables to one in the back corner.

"Thank you," Naomi said to the hostess, with a bright smile.

"Your server will be right with you."

"My wine is on special tonight," Naomi sang. "It's already a good day."

"Well let's keep that happy mood afloat."

Dinner was shared over a light-hearted conversation and Naomi's favorite Italian dish. And when she wasn't paying attention I ordered her favorite Italian dessert, Tiramisu.

"You're such a goob," Naomi said, as she bit into the custard. "I love this and you so much."

I reached over and took a bite. Tiramisu wasn't my favorite but I've learned to tolerate it.

"So are we still going to the fair?" Naomi asked me, once I finished paying for dinner.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything."

"You hate the fair."

"But you love it." I stood up, reaching out my hand towards her. "And the smile on your face is worth it for me."

"Now who's the sappy one?" Naomi challenged, standing up on her toes and pressing her lips against my cheek.

I led her out of the restaurant and walked her to her car, her hand interlaced with mine.

And So It Continues (MBBF Sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora