Chapter 5: Stirring

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Hey guys sorry for the wit but I was think some more on how to advance this and make it really interesting. Just today as I was going to get to work on this, I figured it out. This chapter is going to start the real fun of the story. If everything works out right this chapter should be some where between 2 and 5 pages long depending on how much details I decide to put into the story.

Also I will be going back and revising and elongating the first few chapters soon. I will let you guys know when it has been changed. Anyways just sit back and enjoy the drama of the chapter.

Chapter 5: Stirring

Secods after the king says that, I am swarmed by men trying to get my attention and dance with me. I decline the chance to dance knowing that I am supposed to do the opening dance with Prince Jace. A few minutes later the crowd of men clear and Prince Jace approaches me.

"Will you dance with me," he asks.

"Yes, I would love to dance," I reply calmly.

Prince Jace is wearing a nice white tunic with silver trimmings. His pants are the same and not meant for extrenous things much unlike my dress which I personally made. I smile at him as he picks me up and spins me around in my faveorate move of this dance. The move brings us close together and puts the girl in the air for a few spins around. We move swiftly through the dance forms with grace and poise. We someimes speak but like for the past year we really do not talk to much. I have a feeling he dislikes this arranged marrage as much as I do but I know that is part of the duty. I can release him of the duty once I become Queen because he seems to not really like the attention of being a royal. I understand how he feels. As a royal you must know all of the laws, which punishments are suitable for which law broken, and what should be done in times of war. It is complicated and more problems then it is worth. At the end of the dance we divide, and I go off to the side near Draco. Surprisingly very few men aproach me. Usually they would swarm me just for being out in public and not having any other male near me.

Some of the ladies of the court come and sorround me wanting to talk with me.  I stand and socialize asking them about their lives as ladies of the courtand how they feel about how the current king and queen were running it. They are some what reluctant at first but when I tell them that I only wish to try and make things better while I am in charge of the government they calm down. Occasionally a few men will get up the courage to approach me for a dance. I accept all offers and the ladies around me stand waiting. It seems that I have caught their interest quite a bit. I grew up in the slums so I know what it feels like with the government doing nothing to try and help make things better for those of us down in the lower ranks of society.

It is nearing midnight when Draco starts getting uneasy. I look over to him and sigh. Draco is getting extremely uneasy and starting to twitch. I walk over to him and place my left hand on his right shoulder.

'What is it Draco,' I ask him.

'I smell blood in the air and the wind carries the smell of war from the east,' he replies.

'It could be kills made by the Arians. It is the full moon tonight so the might be  hunting and we are right next to the border,' I remind him.

'True. I just have this feeling that things are not going to end well tonight,' Draco continues.

'If  things smell closer or get worse let me know and I shall contact the king,' I tell him.

Draco nods his head and I walk over to a small space around next to him. About half an hour later. Draco growls as the doors leading to the ballroom slam open. I look at the doors and imediately cringe. A man in the colors of Arian is standing there with thirty soliders behind him.  Draco moves forward and growls I stay back blending in with the crowd and trying to secretly gain information. King Leon comes forward very angry at them charging into the room and interupting us. A bow man shoots an arrow at him.

'Aris,' I whisper.

"Dortuna ca naris (Eonugh of this)," I yell steping forward and beside Draco as Jace comes forward also on the other side of Draco.

'Arican dochur telemon dela richanr(Someone can speak our language here),' sneers a man.

"Dorban nari torman(Why shouldn't I),' I demand.

"Ha. A woman like you should have no place in any part of the government, Lady and has no right to speak to me in such tones or in such a manner. You will be the first one to be punished," says the man in charge.

"Reina be careful with these guys remember tonight is the night of their most powerful," orders Leon.

"Yes my king. I know I have dealt with a few of them before on a full moon back in the lower city," i tell him.

"What bitch," demands the leader.

I do not answer as a regal man comes up behind him. The man slaps the leader of the thirty men.

"Show some respect Ross. I am King John of Arian. i have come to take over these lands. I offer a fair exchange the royal family may continue ruling but you must give over your oldest son," demands the king of Arian.

Everyone gasps and some men rush their wives out of the room. I sigh and offer a slight bow to John. The bows man shoots an arrow at me for not showing what he thought is propere respect. I catch the arrow and break it in half not seeing the second arrow until just seconds before it hits, it nicks me on my cheak. Draco growls and lunges for the bow man.

"Enough Draco they do not know of my station here," I say to him out loud so everyone can hear me.

"You expect us to believe that you are the rider of the legendary black dragon. I doubt it," demands Ross.

Draco growls at his words and I shake my head at his stupity. He is only angering Draco farther. I place a hand on his side and send a feeling of calm.

"A demand a challange for the position as black dragon rider,"  demands Ross.

"Fine but since this is your night of full power I might as well show you what you will truely be up against," I tell him with a smirk.

I remove the spell that I have casted on myself when ever I am near other people allowing them all to truely see what I am. I smirk more as they all gasp in shock. I have pointed ears and black stripes on my face, wrist, and chest making me an elf. There are very few of my people left and most of us are in hiding from the other races because some of them are hunting us for our skills. Mainly witches and vampires. Ross bows and backs away from me.

"I am sorry Lady Elf. I did not know. Our people have always had an understanding and peaceful siding," Ross says.

"It is fine. I have been hiding this for most of my life because it is mostly a death warrent if caught by a witch or vampire," I say.

"This changes things. I would like to do some negotiating come tomrrow," says John.

"As you wish, sir," I say for the royalty who are still in shock or angry about being overthrown before they even knew a war was happening.

I leave the ball room and Draco and the others follow me home. I know they have questions but theywill have to wait until we are in the confines of my home.

I know that was sudden to add her being an elf to it but I thought it would make things a little more interesting. Anyways thanks for reading guys. I plan on having this updated soon. I have the next chapter already planned out in my head. So until next time good bye.

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