Chapter 25

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Jaime and I were currently stood at the side of the stage, waiting to go and perform our presentation to the entire year about our psychology project. I was sure I'd forget what to say or something and I was super nervous. I took a deep breath and stared at the shiny wooden floor, as the presentation before ours came to a close.
"Okay, thank you for your presentation on the criminal mind. Next we have a presentation by Mike Fuentes and Jaime Precaido entitled The Love Project," our psychology teacher called, as everyone in our school year applauded with low enthusiasm, seeing as this was their assembly. Jaime and I walked on and he began explaining all the science behind devising the question packs and the research he'd found online.
As I waited for my part my eyes scanned the audience for a certain pair of breathtaking chestnut eyes.
Eventually, I spotted him, with his arm around the girl and his soft lips pressed against her ear as he whispered to her. I watched as she whispered back and despite the overwhelming jealousy I felt, I couldn't hold back a grin when he smiled and laughed at what she'd said.
"Now my project partner Mike is going to present our findings and answer the question; did the subjects fall in love?" Jaime introduced me, with a small reassuring smile.
"I think I can answer this question, seeing as I am one of the subjects. I can honestly say I did fall in love with the other subject and I can verify that they said they loved me back," I began, my eyes never leaving Tony's who refused to look me in the eye.
"I'm now going to explain the process. At the first session, having never met the other subject, I would say we definitely created a friendship. By the third or fourth we had grown more intimate and we had a relationship shortly after that. However, recently they told me that they don't love me anymore, so we can look at our results as inconclusive," I finished, holding back as much emotion as I could.
My gaze wouldn't leave Tony and I thought about what would've happened in we had still been going out. He would've smiled proudly from the audience with glowing eyes and run up to me after, wrap his arms around me and kiss my jaw.
That didn't happen. Once I was finished, I watched Tony and his girlfriend walk out of assembly, holding hands and smiling. The slightest glimpse of his gorgeous smile and glowing chocolate eyes sent butterflies out of control in my stomach and I couldn't hold back a dazed smile.
I was still so in love with him. I used to think there wasn't a difference between being in love with the way someone is and being in love with someone. Now I understand that being in love with the way someone is could end at any moment, loving someone no matter what they did was different because you loved them. I was starting to realise how increasingly true this was.
A/N: short update. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed and have a great day

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