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Chapter 10: Invitation

Weeks have passed after the whole thing at the hospital. I quit taking the medicine because of fear that I would get in a car crash. Two possible things ran through my mind. One, someone was playing games with me. Two, I have gone crazy. If I were to go tell someone, they wouldn't believe me. They would label me as crazy. So, I haven't told anyone. Also, I haven't gotten anymore notes. I have gone to school, talked to people, and come back home. I have talked to Lizzie quite a bit. Peyton has been busy. I don't even know what happened to Katrina. My dad has been busy with work. Basically, the only friend I have is Lizzie.

My phone buzzed beside me while I was working on my broken four-wheeler. I picked it up and noticed that I got a text from Lizzie.

Lizzie: Going to Jake's with my sister. Wanna come?

"Finally, someone asks me to get out of the house." I shouted as I threw my arms up.

Avery: Yas!

Lizzie: Good because we are in your driveway.

My head poked out of the barn to see a red truck sitting in my driveway. Two girls sat in it waving at me. I smiled sheepishly and waved back. I looked at my choice of clothing. A black shirt with ripped jeans and some black combat boots. I ran outside towards the beat up truck. Lizzie stepped out and let me in. I slid into the middle and bumped Bella.

"Hey." I greeted. She sent me a small smile.

"Hey." She said in return. Lizzie slammed the door shut and gave me a sheepish smile.

"So, why are we going to Jake's?" I asked as I placed my hands on my lap.

"Bella won't tell me." Lizzie mumbled. Bella spared a glance towards me.

"It's a surprise." She said as she continued to drive. I started messing with the radio as Lizzie swatted at my hand.

"Knock it off, you could break it." Lizzie scolded. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"That is when I come in to fix it." I stated.

"Or we could have Jacob fix it." Bella butted in. I pointed towards Bella.

"Ha, see? It will never be broken." I stated.

"It's better to leave it broken than to waste your time fixing it."

Bella pulled into a long driveway. My eyes stared at the rustic house that had a tarp over the roof. The truck finally stopped moving and the door opened. Bella hopped out along with Lizzie. Jacob poked his head out of the garage and started walking over. I stepped out and breathed in.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" He asked engulfing Bella into a big hug. Lizzie rolled her eyes while I stood there awkwardly. I coughed to let him know that we were still here.

"Jacob." Lizzie said as she opened her arms. Jacob smiled and opened his arms to give her a hug. Lizzie took the chance and slapped him upside the head. He hissed in pain and started scolding her. Lizzie just sent him a wonderful smile. I smiled at the sight of the two. Jacob glanced at me and cleared his throat.

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