Don't Lie To Me

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^still slayin'

Last chapter my little shits, last chapter. I can't believe this is happening. Thanks for reading all this ish and hope you'll like the sequel

Jane out


Two days have passed and no sign from the little shit.

No reply to my messages, calls, carrier pigeons, even emails!

Dante almost completely cut ties with me if not for the handful of people he left at my work and in front of my house for 'protection'.

Now I am sipping my hot tea, burrito-ed in a thin blanket, mulling over the situation.

A knock came from the door and I all but jumped from my armchair I was on, forgetting momentarily about the tight wrap of the blanket and fell forward, catching myself with my hands just in time to save my precious nose.

After a moment of self congratulating for the rescue, I got to my feet and ran to the door on my toes as the floor was kinda chilly and I had no slippers on.

My face fell slightly at the sight of Abel, but I didn't lose all hope and looked at the box in his arms.

It was a neat white box with the familiar gold Medusa head on the lid and as soon as I recognised the brand, I glared at the man and slammed the door shut, it bouncing back as it collided with the foot Abel put out to stop it from closing.

A groan came from the other side, but my anger clouded mind didn't even stop to ask if he was alright as I started pushing the door again, unwilling to listen to Abel's words.

"Principessa please! My boss instructed me to deliver this to you. He even has a note for you!" he got out from behind the door, accentuating the last sentence in an attempt to persuade me.

I stopped pushing on the door, then threw it open, rushing to the box. Abel was startled by my actions, but I couldn't care less. My hands swiftly threw the lid off the box and took the white colored piece of paper on top of the nicely packaged dress, not stopping to swoon over the smoothness of the material.

To Cinderella

It was cleanly written on the front in blue cursive letters and I almost scoffed at the corniness, but a smile made its appearance on my face either way.

No dress will ever match you, but one can try.


A cactus

I tried to throw the card to the wall in frustration, it flailing in the air until it reached the ground disappointingly, as it was to lightweight to slam into the wall as I meant it to.

"Go away Abel and tell your boss that he can shove that dress up his ass for all I care." I angrily glare at the man, slamming the door once again, this time successfully closing.

"Principessa!" Abel exclaimed from the other side, his voice muffled.

"And what did I say about calling me principessa?" I raise my voice, stopping in my tracks and turning my head to the side, waiting for him to retort, but he got out a defeated sound and banged, what I assume was his head, on my door twice, groaning in frustration.


Five fucking days.

After that shitty note, I didn't get any other sign from Dante.

Chased By Suits  #Wattys2016- Book IWhere stories live. Discover now