3- Defiance

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3- Defiance


"Oh, now this is fun." The Queen laughed. "Is this your handsome prince coming to the rescue."

It seemed that Kaz didn't particularly like this comment, as he retorted back in their language, correcting himself when he realized nobody had understood him.

"Inej doesn't need rescuing. She's quite capable of looking after herself." Inej looked down scowling.

The stupid boy.

Inej could see in the corner of her eye that the mind-reader was grinning, subtlety but darkly.

'Mind-shatterer.' He corrected, in her mind... She fought back the urge to shiver.

Inej tried to silence her thoughts, and then think of nothing at all, but she knew that would never work. And besides, she needed to think of a way out of here.

Inej threw a glance at Kaz who was standing, or being held, a couple of steps away from her. She could see he was staring at the golden plate, on a stand at the foot of the dais. Inej knew, just from the look in his eye, that he wasn't going to leave without it.

This is what you're loyal to, a voice in the back of her mind chided her. A thief that would put a lump of gold above both of your's safety.

Inej supposed that's what they did every day, though, just this time there are people with pointy ears, rolling darknesses and the ability to shatter minds without taking their hands out of their pockets.

And currently no way out.

Inej was trying not to move around. She was overcome with the urge to fidget. She felt out of touch with her body, her arm too long and the floor too far away.

The knife in her hand felt like a dead weight. In that moment, Inej couldn't remember the name of this one. She knew it was useless anyway: if The Night standing at the side could shatter minds, she dreaded finding out power the woman on the throne wielded. 

"I'm too tired. Lock them up. We'll play another day, little beasts, I promise." The red queen said, far too kindly.

Suddenly, Kaz lurched towards Inej and went as though he was going to kiss her ear. She was so surprised she stayed completely still. The queen snorted a laugh and the rest of the court surrounding them seemed to be as surprised as Inej. What on earth was he doing?

Quickly, Kaz bit into her hair and then stood back, once again completely composed. Only when a few strands of hair fell out of place and Inej saw Kaz gulp did she realize what he'd done. He hadn't eaten her hair, or kissed her... He'd swallowed her hair pin...

The queen was grinning. Inej quickly realized that it very much looked like Kaz, thinking they were doomed to die tonight, had nobly declared his love for her. Inej tried not to scoff.

Absentmindedly, Inej had loosened the rope around her wrists. She only realized when they started to peel from her skin. She'd only been trying to get used to the feeling of her body. Maybe the lack of freedom, and having to get herself out on her own, was something she was so use to, that it was now a reflex. 

She felt weird and out of control of her body. Was she really that unsettled by these people- or whatever they were?

'We are Faeries.' Whispered The Night, still standing lazily in the corner, looking amused and uninterested- as though he wasn't speaking to Inej in her mind. He stood next to the throne and looked regal enough to hold the importance to do so. Inej knew he was powerful but she wondered about the extensity as she observed the shadows gathered at his feet and the starlight in his eyes.

'That's hellfire, Love.' Okay then, Inej thought back. What did one have to do to merit hellfire for irises?

Maybe that was one of the reasons that nobody in the room seemed to be looking at The Night. 'Rhysand, High Fae. Lord of the Night Court.' He Informed her. Nice name, she thought back irritatedly.

Inej had definitely been wrong when she had said Kaz ruled the night- here was the Lord of it.

The whole mind reading thing was getting more and more concerning.  

'Just wait until you see my wings, Darling." From his tone, Inej guessed he was amused by everything; perhaps especially her nickname for him. The Night.

Not for the first time tonight, The Wraith felt powerless.

She glanced around. Most of the Faeries were gathered around Kaz and her, meaning, she quickly realized, they could all see she had unbound her rope.

Also, she distractedly noted, this didn't happen very often. They came to watch the two dumb mortals who were stupid enough to get themselves into this situation.

As it turns out, Inej had had every reason to worry about her untied rope being seen.

"Your gracious majesty," Started a voice so pompous, Inej doubted even Kaz could imitate it. "The little mutt here has untied herself." Oh...

The Night- Rhysand- raised an eyebrow in the seemingly unending amusement of his.

The queen, however, laughed humorlessly.

"Well, Mortal. How heroic." She paused her eyes staring straight into Inej's. "Maybe I can spare a few extra moments for these beasts tonight." She declared.

Inej's stomach sank.

Rhysand stood up a little straighter and Kaz threw a glance towards Inej- one that seemed to read Who does she think she is?

Stupid Kaz. Stupid.

"Mortal, do you know what happens to those who try to defy me?"

Inej hadn't answered any of her other questions and didn't really see a reason to start now. Inej had spent her whole life in the support of silence- it was dependable. But now, when the silence of the court would have been comforting, it wasn't. It was there to make way for her. Inej felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise.

Inej could sense the pity in the Faeries eyes as she looked round once more. Something very, very bad was about to happen.

What kind of Queen was this?

"Tell me Mortal, have you ever been whipped?"

Inej froze her thoughts. Only one word allowed through:



Hey guys thanks for reading this rubbish

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And also I'm so excited about ACOMAF!!! Three days time I can't wait ....


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