Chapter 2: Encounter

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Hera's Pov

I was in the Phantom, preparing it for the journey. The crates that had the food we were getting were left on some abandon planet. Rumor has that when people still lived there, they had these things called Night Beasts that they would use to guard their planet when they left. Some say the Night Beasts still roam on the planet, but no one knows for sure.

I stopped prepping the Phantom when I heard someone climbing the ladder into the Phantom. I turned around to see that it was Kanan, but when he turned to face me, I gasped.

"Kanan......your.......your eyes!" I exclaimed.

He sighed and said, "I don't really want to wear that blindfold-bandage but.....if my scars scare you.......then I will wear it."

He pulled the blindfold-bandage out of his pack and put it on. I wasn't scared of the scars. I was just surprised that he hadn't showed me what his injury looked like.

"Kanan," I said as I took his hands in mine, "I would never be scared of you."

He smiled and I leaned forward and touched my forehead to his to show how much I love and appreciate him.

We took off and I felt like this would be the easiest mission ever.

Boy, was I wrong.


Hera's Pov.

I was getting out of the Phantom with Kanan. This planet was beautiful! Wildlife was everywhere! There were few animals, though, which made me a little bit worried.

"Where are the crates?" Kanan asked me.

"They should be right here," I said, "but it never hurts to look around."

We wondered a little ways away from the ship, but stopped when a cave came into view.

Kanan sensed it with the force, I could tell because he turned toward it and asked me, "Should we check in there?"

"Uh," I hesitated. It was dark and spooky, who knows what could be in there. But this food was for the fleet. We couldn't let them down. "Sure, let's go." I finished.

We walked in and Kanan ignited his lightsaber so we, well so I could see better. What I could see was terrifying. Bones of animals littered the ground. Claw and fang marks were all over the walls. I shivered and felt Kanan grab my hand.

I stopped walking, which caused Kanan to stop. I stopped because I saw the crates. But what I was confused about was why, when I opened them, there was barely any food in them.

I heard something behind me, scrapping its claws on the ground. I stiffened and felt Kanan stiffen too.

We both turned around and I almost screamed, but instead all I could manage to do was whisper, "Night Beast."

That's the Night Beast

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That's the Night Beast.....*barfs*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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