«chapter twenty-six: the truth comes out»

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(next day)


Today is the day. Today is the day I expose that slimy little bitch and get her away from the team.

I woke up a lot more hopeful today than I have in the past few weeks because I know that today she won't be able to resist trying to hurt me and that's when I am going to expose her.

I'm going to win. We are going to win. And I am going to get her away from the team so she can't hurt them.

Today I had another therapy session with Black Canary, so I decided to dress in my suit before putting jeans and a purple hoodie on over it to make it seem like I am more relaxed than I actually am. I did, however, switch my shade glasses for my mask because I didn't want them to slip off at any point throughout today.

I go down the stairs and meet Selina making pancakes.

She knows about Rogue, about everything. I ended up only telling her a few nights ago the full truth of what happened. I didn't want anyone hurt, and I'd rather not have anyone know, but that didn't really work out so I decided to tell her too after I told Canary.

"It smells good!" I say and smile at her as she hands me a plate. "Thank you."

"Someone is in a good mood. To what or whom do I owe the pleasure?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

I roll my eyes but smile as I say, "I'm going to take down Rogue today. I figured out what to do, and I am going to make sure she doesn't hurt anyone else."

She nods in understanding," How are you? I know what she did, I hate her as much as you. I still remember the long nights when you woke up screaming and crying." She looks down," I just don't want you to get hurt, you are my kitten." She smiles painfully at the thought.

I smile back and grab one of her hands to squeeze," I will be fine. I promise. I just... I don't want anyone else hurt. I won't let her hurt anyone." I say determinedly.

"I know you won't." She says and comes around the counter to hug me.

I sigh and hug her, feeling like that scared little girl she saved in the alley that day.

But I'm not, I'm not scared and I am not helpless anymore. I've grown and now I can fight back.

I pull away and start eating quickly.

When I am done, I hug her one last time and say, "I'm leaving, I love you!"

"I love you too, Kitten. Good luck and be safe!"

I smile and slip out of the window, jumping down off of the rail and onto the ground.

I slip off my mask before I start to walk through the street, trying to take it easy after my mission.

Last night I felt a lot better after I had the oxygen mask, but my body itself is just so tired from it. I'm sore too, in places I didn't know I could be sore because of that trapeze stuff.

In a way, I was thankful for that mission because it showed me how it could be, my dynamic with the team.

It seemed like a completely different world and one that I could see myself happy in.

But at the same time, I hated it, because it made me hate Rogue even more for causing this distrust between us all.

When I get to the alley with the old telephone booth, I turn and slip in it, before putting my mask on and typing in the Cave.

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