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Hi everybody, now let it begin.

One day, Max was very happy when Max is at her girlfriends' house. He walked to the door and rang the bell. Then the door opened. Then he saw his girlfriend at her room. So he asked "did you opened the door and let me in just now when i arrived??" Then she said "AH!!! When did you come in..... did you bang the door open?" Then he said no. They both think and think of how come the door opened itself. So in Max's heart he wonder that "is it true, is it true"*with sweat coming down* then his gf (girlfriend) asked " why are you sweating sooo much?" Then Max kept quiet. So her girlfriend doesn't want to make Max angry so she didn't repeat asking.

Hope all of u will like it and please dont be angry of me if it is badddddd!!😅😓

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