Chapter Thirty-Six

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This chapter was posted early because of the idiots on the stream who made a bet with me. Of course, I lost so as promised here's the new chapter.

Y'all better comment too so I can see your reactions and you can make Alpaca Queen happy. It's your comments that put me in such a writing mood. I had this slightly pre-written because of your comments which is why I was able to make the bet with everyone tonight.

Reminder: I only read comments that are posted on paragraphs, not the ones that actually just post at the last bit randomly because I don't really have time for those. As said before I love seeing your reactions every time something happens.

Make sure to check the facebook group when I update about when the next stream/challenge will happen.

Also this chapter is longer than my main ones.

Lots and lots of hate but more love xoxo Pandaaaa

(Not edited)


"What do you mean what?" I frowned, "You just zoned out then completely changed attitude, is there like two of you in there? I can't even handle one Seth"  

He just watched me, a blank expression plastered on his face. 

"You're right" He mumbled before stretching, "I'm going to... go to the bathroom"

"No you don't"

"Excuse me?"

"You don't need to go. You hesitated on what to say, you just want to get away. Why?"

"You're dumb" He sighed and began standing up. 

The little bit that was in the back of my mind, trying to forget the position I was in broke. I noted how I was still on Seth's lap, not to add that he was shirtless.

I wasn't going to freak out though.

"You know" He took me from my train of thoughts, "You could just ask"

"Ask?" I tilted my head.

"Well clearly you want me to get the phone back from you because when I was about to leave you didn't want me too" His eyes lit up.

I scowled, "No, I just wanted to know what was with the sudden change of attitude"

Honestly the phone was freezing at first to put right there and I regretted it but I grew used to it. He gave me an innocent smile and nodded his head, "Sure"

"I'm serious"

"Of course you are"

"I think it's the other way around"

"Oh really?"

Nick popped into my mind and I felt guilty. If he was 'interested' me, here I was... kind of... flirting with Seth. No this wasn't flirting, I don't know what the hell this was.

I was being a bad human right now.

Sure it wasn't cheating. We weren't even a thing and I wasn't sure he really liked me but I felt bad.

Suddenly my phone buzzed as if on time and I let out a surprised breath. Why buzz there...

I closed my eyes and let out an annoyed breath. I gave Seth a fake smile as it continued buzzing, "I'm going to take this"

I pulled it out and answered.


"Eva!"Nick sounded happy.

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