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sorry for the late update, please forgive me~

Jungkook and Jimin were both silently sitting in the silent living room, thinking what to do with the letters. Taehyung was currently asleep in his room as he was tired of crying and stressing about everything. It was hard to stand on the spot and watching the tears slowly roll down his cheeks, especially for the two cry babies..

They didn't even share eye contact as both of them were buried in deep thoughts, this was their first time witnessing the sunshine cry.. Never had they thought that they would see him in this state- especially because of someone scaring the latter.

"Jungkook?.." Jimin's voice was quiet, something that rarely happens. Jungkook peaked from under his lashes at the older boy, he didn't know what to do or say therefore he just stared. The older boy's eyes were stained onto the carpet floor; sitting on the sofa that they and Taehyung were sitting at once when they were watching a horror movie. Remembering that day when they seen Taehyung's rich skin and were allowed to sleep together that night. But then everything got ruined, someone sneaked into their bungalow and assaulted Tae- And from that day he hasn't quite been the same...

"Do you... perhaps think that these letters have something to do with.. y'know... the intruder?" Jungkook paused and thought for a second, could it be the guy from before? it's the only person the y'know that can sneak in so far... so could it be?

"So far Jimin... That's the only thing we've got..." Jimin hummed as he conjoined his hands, slightly bending down whilst his hands were tapping his forehead lightly. They needed to think of something, and fast.

"Should we call the police?" Jungkook asked with a mumble. Jimin diverted his head towards the younger who was slouching forward whilst holding his forehead and sometimes rubbing his whole face.

"I don't think this is enough evidence for the police to do anything.." Jimin referred towards the two letters Jungkook was holding. If this is not enough- then what could we do?! The younger thought in agony whilst realising a strangled groan.

"Should... should we tell the hyungs?" Jimin questioned causing Jungkook to look at him because of the idea. The boy straightened up as he looked at his hyung with serious eyes.

"it's the only support we have." Jungkook calmly said getting a small nod from Jimin. Both of the slowly stood up and walked over to the door.

"I'm sure they will be in the dinner hall." Jungkook said as he put on his black Adidas shoes on. Jimin did the same but with black and white Nike trainers.

"But what do we say when they ask us why we weren't there in the morning."  Jimin asked as he opened the door and quickly grabbing any coat near by. Jungkook let out a huff of air before throwing his coat on, "I'll make up something..."

I'm soooooo sorry for the late update ;~; but thank you for 10k reads and 800+ votes, the comments also make my day. I actually never thought this book would get anything near 10k. But thank you so much~

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