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When I came home Kayla was sitting on the couch with a friend of hers, 

'Hey Tro, this is Shay she'll be staying over tonight' She stated as she pointed towards the brunette girl next to her in a red v-neck and blue ripped denim shorts. She smiled at me,

 'Yeah, sorry, my brother is hosting a party and well I have to go to uni tomorrow morning.' She explained herself, a tad awkward. But cutely awkward, something I was not capable of. 

'Oh yeah sure no problem, you don't seem like a serial killer so yeah' I joked. 

'Well, you were almost killed today weren't you?' Kayla said. I walked up to them and dropped my ass on the couch and slouched into it. 

'Tell me about it.. ' I sighed. 'Seriously, it's so ironic. Connor is a youtuber too, who would have thought?' I murmured. Kayla sniggered, 

'Apparently everyone but you' she said. I looked heavenwards, 

'Oh come on you didn't know either' 

'yeah but I did wonder why he had so many Instagram followers' she laughed, 'You're so oblivious Troye, it's ridiculous' sha said shaking her head eyes crooked. 

I rolled my eyes, not willing to react at that. Kayla grinned, she knew she was spot on. 

'#Tronnor' she teased, and I couldn't suppress a smile. 

 I pulled out my phone and went to his Instagram page. Holy damn that was mentally and emotionally pleasing to look at. Somme serious talent and eye for detail right there. Really what did the world do to deserve something as great as the existence of Connor Franta? He really was just something else.

 I went on Youtube and looked him up, I watched some videos of his and found myself smiling widely while doing so. He was so adorable and funny and quick-witted. I subbed to him and immediately went on twitter and followed him.

 Not one minute later I received a notification that he had subbed and followed me back and I smiled as I felt my heart warming. I didn't even care anymore if this was meant to happen or not, it was just really amazing.


This is such a filler I'm so sorry! But I have a math test tomorrow and I really needed to study, but the good news is I have may-break after tomorrow so I'll be writing tons! (:

xo -J

The Lost Boy and the Starseed ✓ (tronnor)Where stories live. Discover now