One-Shot Info

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Hey all! So I'm doing the one-shot cometition that I promised a while abck, and I just want to see how many of you are still interested.

Object: To write one chapter or less (A couple pages) what you wanted or want to happen after the epilogue.

Rules: ONE CHAPTER OR LESS ONLY. Dedicate to me, or send me a message telling me you posted it so I can read it:)

Deadline: September 10th:) It gives you six days (Including the weekend) to work on it.

Winners Details:

First: A fan, dedication, mentioned in my bio, shoutout, and a chance to co-write with me!

Second: A fan, dedication, and a shoutout

Third: A fan, and a dedication:)

Note: If I can't decide, there might be two winners for each place or no third place at all:)

Please let me know if you are interested!

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