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Chapter 12: Time

I decided to take the chance to run towards the elevator. My boots stomped against the tile floor of the hospital. I came to an abrupt stop causing my feet to slide. I pressed the down button and waited for the doors to open. White coats came charging after me. The doors finally opened and threw myself in the elevator. I pressed the close button and the ground button.

"Avery, get back here." Doctor Angel demanded. I shook my head as the doors closed. My heart was running marathon. My back hit the wall as I slowly went down onto my bottom. I breathed slowly and waited for the ding. The ding finally came as the doors opened. I crawled out and stood up while I started running. My body weaved around people as I continued to run for the doors.

"Stop her." A voice shouted from behind me. Fresh air hit my nose when my legs ran. Cop cars were parked in the parking lot. I picked up the pace not wanting a policemen to catch me.

I finally came to a stop and realized that I was in the middle of the woods. I cursed when I realized that I didn't know my way back home. Twigs snapped under my feet as I continued to walk.

"Why did this have to happen to me?" I mumbled under my breath. Memories from not too long ago played in my mind. My dad holding a gun to his head and apologizing for pointing a gun to me. Was that even my father or was that someone controlling him? A twig snapped from behind me. I turned around to see a female standing behind me.

"You should be at the hospital." She stated as she crossed her arms. I crossed my arms across my chest to mock her.

"I am not going back." I stated. She rolled her eyes as a smile stretched across her face.

"I am Madison Uley. Sam's little sister." The girl introduced herself as I dipped my head. "I already know who you are."

"What do you want from me?" I asked not trying to sound rude. She looked away and kicked at the dirt.

"I heard about what happened then the cops got a call saying that you were running from the hospital. Sam sent me out here to find you." She answered. I groaned and sat down in the dirt.

"You can go back and tell Sam to come find me himself. He needs to quit protecting me. I can protect myself." I said as I sighed. She raised her eyebrow then smirked.

"Let's see how well you can protect yourself." She challenged as she uncrossed her arms. I raised my eyebrow.

"Are you challenging me?" I asked. She laughed and nodded.

"Yes, now get up." She said as she motioned for me to get up. I got up on both of my feet. I closed my hands in a fist as she continued to smirk.

"Madison? What are you doing?" A familiar voice said from behind the girl. She frowned and turned around. "I thought I told you to bring her back."

"Why can't we just take her home?" Madison asked with sass.

"I would like to go home." I stated as I raised my hand. Madison smiled and came up to me.

"See?" She said dragging on the word. "The poor girl would love to go home."

"I am not poor." I snapped. Sam sighed and started walking away from us. Madison raised her hands and shouted towards her brother.

"You said you wanted to go home. Let's go." He said to us. Madison ran to catch up while I walked. I was sick and tired of running.

I stepped foot on the property as memories hit me hard. I shook my head and continued on walking to the front door. Sam grabbed Madison's arm and yanked her back.

"We will leave." Sam said directing it towards Madison. Madison freed herself from his grip and sent a glare his way.

"You are not my father. I think she wants someone to talk to." Madison said as she smiled at me. My mouth turned into a frown.

"Actually, I would like to stay by myself for awhile." I stated nicely. The smile faltered slightly before she nodded.

"Alright, well. Here is my number in case you need someone to talk to." She said sweetly. I dipped my head and walked away. I opened the door and stepped in. I shut the door and walked upstairs. I pushed the door open to the office and noticed that everything was cleared out which surprised me. I closed the door and walked into my room. I pushed the door open and looked around. The window was opened which made the room freezing. I rushed to the window and closed it. My eyes grew wide as I read the note.

You were too slow. Now, who is next? -A

I ripped the note off of the window and walked to my closet that had my box full of notes. I threw it in the box with disgust. I placed the box back to where it was and walked out of the closet. The room finally warmed up but there was only one thing. It was cold. Chills ran down my spine. I ran to my bed and laid down hoping it would warm me up. A knock from downstairs. My ears twitched at the sound of two heartbeats. It was a weird sound to my ears. I pushed off the bed and walked downstairs to the front door. I opened the door to reveal a worried Charlie and a concerned Harry. I sighed and made room for them to come in.

"It is good to see that you are still alive." Charlie said with relief in his tone. Harry stepped in after Charlie and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"My son was worried about you. I mean, we were all worried but Seth was worried sick." He stated with a smile. I sighed and sat down.

"You should be in the hospital." Charlie stated with his hands on his belt. I shook my head.

"No, I don't need to be in the hospital. I need time." I said tiredly. Charlie nodded his and and looked at Harry.

"Well, I understand. I think we should check up on you a few times to be sure." He explained. I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks. That would mean a lot." I replied. He smiled back and clapped Harry on the shoulder.

"We will leave you alone. One of us will come and visit." He said before walking out.

"Goodbye, Avery." Harry called out.

"Goodbye." I said back. I sat up and closed the door behind them. My feet dragged across the floor to the stairs. I lifted my legs up each step and pushed the door open of my room. Another note was dangling from my window again. I reached for the note and read it.

I will protect you from her. -Adam

PLOT TWIST! Eheheh. I am evil. I really hope this didn't bore you all that much.

Madison Uley is played by Nina Dobrev

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Smile everyday. Keep on turtling.


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