French Teacher

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I don't believe in such things.

It's funny to think how people can easily get sucked into this unfortunate game for the hopeless romantic.

People usually think of me as this bitter realist who judge people by their obvious misguided choices; choices that were obviously led by unrealistic expectations created by the media or stories that were told without clear logical explanations.

It was never clear to me how people could easily jump into these situations without thinking of the circumstances they could possibly get into because of it. How, although the cycle had been seen over and over many times, people would still be willing to waste their time and energy to build this destined to break relationship.

Being a 16 year old girl does not automatically make you this hungry for love, dimwitted airhead. In fact, you'd be surprised how many of us are genuinely not interested when it comes to these sort of things. How, a lot of us are more focused on actually making a career and not wasting our time on dating apps to get with a sexually active douche who obviously just wanna get on the bed with you.

I don't see why people always fail in seeing these obvious facts. How most of these people would just freely get into these relationships without even knowing the exact meaning of love. And how could they know the true meaning of the word? These kids haven't even gone through half of their lives yet—but I don't blame them. Why, with how the hit movies now a days, portraying impossible scenarios of destined love and of course sex, how could not these teens be brainwashed so easily?

"Weirdo", "Woke,", "Bitter", "Naive", "Asexual" Are mostly the words you're depicted on me. I'm not surprised or even remotely offended, it's a common reaction I get whenever people would ask me those kinds of things; things that are related to 'love'.

If you're wondering why I'm like this, it's not really as complex as you may think it is. It's honestly just in my nature I guess. I—just don't. I just don't believe in love.

Love, is an open subject.

In this generation, it's probably one of the most easiest things to do; to fall in love.

Come on,

Love is just so common nowadays that I probably already memorized all the common love stories that this generation have.

1. A guy finds you cute, then flirts with you, then VOILA! It's a official, congratulations.

2. A girl and a boy have mutual feelings for each other. Then that's that. A couple of conflicts, a couple of misunderstandings then after awhile—you guys have already tied the knot.

3. Text Love, of course. One of the most common including Media Love; where it all started with a chat or a text.

4. A bad boy...suddenly goes soft because of this innocent, pure, virgin. After this and that, when the girl purifies him or whatever, they'll be holding hands under the beautiful full moon or kiss in numerous places that I don't want to mention.

5. A girl, she loves this boy...but also loves another boy...A love triangle, if you will.

And thus, the cycle goes on.

These stories just go on and on. It never stops. That just how this generation works. People are too in love with the idea of love, that they're already missing the point.

Teens these days, always bragging about 'this is the one' and saying 'I can't live without him/her' but in fact, it's highly possible that they aren't. They're just blinded by the imaginary fairytale that are filling their brains.

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