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The XX - Intro


A shot goes off and both girls flinch at the sound. They look to their right and see Lauren looking through her
scope and cocked her arctic warfare once more.

Head shot after head shot and all Allyson does is look around for any creos getting too close. Once Lauren is all out of ammunition, she tosses her gun to the side before quickly sliding down the dirty hill and onto the branches that are below. The raven haired woman runs over to where the creos are. Some notice and quickly run at her in abnormal speed. Lauren pulls out her knife and quickly strikes the creo in the head. As more and more begin coming her way, she's feeling overwhelmed.

Suddenly a creo grabs onto her shoulder from behind and flares is yellow teeth before going in for a bite on Lauren's flesh. Before it could, however, it stops and releases its grip then falls to the ground. There, Lauren sees Normani with her knife in hand as she smiles. Lauren flashes the Texan a smile as well before going back to attack the creos once more. Dinah ran to Allyson and fought along side the short woman.

The four all stood their ground with their backs against one another for protection as they defended each other. Allyson driving her machete into the heads of each creo that came her way. Blood spurting onto each of them with every strike they took.

After the last creo was killed, the three girls glanced at one another while Allyson simply stared down with the look of fear on her face.

Dinah was breathing heavily and placed a hand on the short woman's shoulder, "Are you okay?" She asked sincerely.

Allyson looked up to see Dinah's neck and chin splattered in blood, "Yeah." She exhaled. "Just a little shaken up. You guys saved me."

Normani and Lauren walked over also covered in blood, "Well yeah. You didn't say goodbye."

Ally released a breath of laughter, "Well, the silent grouch sent me off so soon." Her smiled faded, "Thank you."

"No problem. Good luck out there." Dinah said flashing a small smile before beginning to walk off with Normani and Lauren.

Allyson stood for a moment looking all around her. The piles of dead creos in a puddle of their own blood. Her machete in hand was dripping in the red liquid as well. She began to think.

"And it sucks because I just got this shirt." Dinah said to Normani and Lauren as they walked back towards the small building.

"Wait!" They all heard from behind. "Can I come with you?" The small blonde asked.

Dinah looked at each girl. Normani nodded as Lauren shrugged. "Sure, just try not to cut any of us with that thing." Dinah chuckled as Allyson flashed a smile.

Normani sighed loudly, "Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm taking a dip near the waterfall before this blood dries and gets sticky." She said beginning to walk off. Lauren followed the Texan as she held up two fingers.

"Yeah, me three." Dinah said following both girls.

The short woman looked at her clothes that were now covered in blood, "Well, me four." Ally smiled.


The three began going down the empty road. Dinah shared a horse with Allyson while Normani and Lauren were on their own.

"So where are you guys headed?" Allyson asked.

"Ohio." "D.C", Normani and Dinah said simultaneously. Both girls faced one another with their eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Ohio." "D.C" They said more sternly.

Apocalyptic Culture (Camren/Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now