Chapter 20

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Emmys P.O.V

"You can't take it back. Nothing is ever fine. You don't want me. You never did. You treat my love like.......A game that I always lose. Its like I cry and you don't. I'm sad and you could care less. I'm gonna miss you. But will you miss me?" Joey asked. I looked down at my shoes.

"GIVE ME AN ANSWER" He yelled. I jumped 4 feet in the Air. Next thing I knew Joey disappeared. I was alone. then I heard a locking noise. I walked to the door. I put my hand on the knob and turned it. It wouldn't budge. I tried pushing it and pulling it. Nothing. I was stuck in a room. I began to cry as the walls started to cave in. "HELP ME"! I yelled.

Then i woke up still on the plane. There was a pretty girl sitting next to me. I looked over at her. She looked back. "You know you cry a lot in your sleep" she said with a southern accent. My face turned 50 shades of red cause of embarrassment. "Sorry If it bothered you". I said.

"Its Cool, I'm Jenna." she said smiling. "I'm Emmy" I said. "Are you the same Emmy that is daiting Joey Graceffa?" she asked. "You a fan"? I asked. "Yes I'm like inlove with him"she said. "Yea I was to" I replied. "Was? What happened?" "We broke up". "Nooo yall were perfect!" She said. A tear started steaming down my cheek.

"Yeah well I'm going through a lot. A realtionship needs to be the least of my worries." I said. She nods. "So where are you headed"? I ask being my nosy self. "Texas to vist my family. Where are you going?" She asked. "Florida my dad just died". The tears started coming back. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!." She said sending her unwanted sympathy for a person she just met.

"Yea well things happen...." "Passengers please fasten your seatbelts we are landing in Texas". The polite said.

We landed and I walked around the airport. I didn't have reseption on the plain but I had full bars in the airport. 13 new texts from Boyfriend♥♡ (Joey). "I need to change his name in my phone" I mumbled to my self.


•Have you landed saftly?

•Look I'm sorry I love you.

•give me another chance.

•I miss you.

•Sawyer and Hitch Miss you

•Can't wait till you get home.

•Well text me back when you land......

There was a lot more. I was tempted to text him back but didn't. I stoped at the airport Starbucks and got a vanilla ice coffee. I looked at it for a long time. It was the drink I ordered on my first date with Joey.

I borded my flight. Crying ofcoarse. I fell asleep till we landed.

I walked into the florida airport. I breathed in the air. I was home. I got my bags and searched the crowd for my brother Jason. But he found me and hugged me from behind. I turned around and hugged him.

My brother Jason looked so similar to me it was insane. He had blonde hair and dark blue eyes. His smile lit up a thousand citys and he was very fit. He was only 18 and Finishing up his senior year of high school. Unlike his rebellious sister, Jason is going to go to college to be a Vet and I was proud of him.

We pulled apart. We were both crying. "I missed you sooo much Ems. Mom wouldn't let come visit you when you got hit by a car" He said. I smiled abd wiped my tears away. "I missed you to Jase. And its like when you fell of the monkey bars in grade school and mom wouldn't let me get out of school to see you" I said.

He laughed. Me and Jason are so close. Closer than a brother and sister should be. its always been that way.

Jason picked up my bags and we walked out to his truck. We got in and headed for Ceader Key which was a very small town.

"So who is this Joey kid"? Jason asked. I forgot Jason watched my vids and probably saw him in my recent one. "A boy" I said. "A close boy like one that you would invite in your bed and get you pregnant and then id have to beat the shit out of for leaving you?" he asked I laughed. "A friend Jason we broke up". I said. "Oh so I do have to beat his ass?"

I shook my head. "He is just a friend."

It hurt insanely bad to say that I actually heared my heart crack.


A/N: So this is a very long chapter xD hope you liked it ♥♡

Insta: 50shadesofharrysbed

Twitter: @Courtz_N_Carico

Kik: Courtney_BooBear


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