Chapter Fifteen: Augustus

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I had to find Carter! Oh, where was he? I fast walked through the corridors of Camelot in a golden dress with the seal of Pendragon (in red) on the bosom. I could hear the feast ensuing in the feasting chamber as I hurried to find Carter's chambers. All of a sudden I felt a small tug on my dress, I looked down to find a boy with black hair and sparkling green eyes, I smiled at him and allowed myself to pause.

"How may I be of service to you, tiny master?" I asked, bending down to this child's level.

"The real question, is how may I be of service to you, Lady Percyla? You seem to be looking for something, may I help?" Asked he, I smiled and thought about it for a moment, I nodded.

"Could you point me, if you know, to where Sir Carter's chambers are?" I asked, the child brought his hand to his chin, in doing this, I saw a weird, swirly tattoo on his wrist, I thought nothing of it for, people got tattoos back then at very young ages, but I seemed to have seen this tattoo before. But where? He gave a cry of remembrance and pointed towards the knight's corridor.

"Down that hall, his chambers are the third door to the left" Said he, I thanked him and began happily walking away, when I remembered where I had seen that was in history class.

"Druid...!" I whispered, I turned on my heel to find that the child disappeared! I stumbled backwards and walked even faster to Carter's chambers. I knocked a few times, very quickly, and looked over my shoulder, wondering if the druid boy was there. When I turned back to the door, I found that Carter was standing before me, shirtless, I thought I felt my knees knock together!

Carter's once pale skin had tanned, due to hours training in the sun with Arthur. His once gaunt figure was now muscular, earlier Carter had a six pack from being so skinny, now he had one from actually working out. Both his arms and legs doubled in muscularity and in color (became tanner) but his eyes still sparkled and warmed my heart and his black hair still swished to the side. His hands looked those of a blue collar workman, they were so strong-looking and attractively masculine. Being around Carter always made me feel feminine, but I had never felt this feminine around him before!  

"What is it, Percyla?" He asked, quickly, he knew it was a risk for me to come see him, especially since Arthur's suspicions had been risen. I looked to him pleadingly, he nodded, and got out of the way, letting me into his chambers. His chambers were sparsely decorated, a large, oaken bed, a large, cherry wardrobe, two windows with red curtains, a dressing screen, and a fireplace. I turned to him, he grasped my hand and led me to his bed, sitting me down next to him.

"Oh, Carter" I whispered, I sighed and told Carter of both Augustus, Merlin, and the druid I encountered a few moments before. Carter stood and ran his hand through his hair, making my eyes glue to him as he paced before me. "I fully trust Merlin, though, there's not a shadow of a doubt that he's trustworthy...and honest. But what worries me the most Carter.." I whispered, Carter turned to me and leaned on his wardrobe " that your life, hangs by a little boy's lips" I whispered, my eyes becoming glassy, Carter sighed, walked to me and hugged me....I was in heaven. Carter now began twirling my hair, he sighed next to my ear and then kissed my ear!

"Don't worry a bit, Percyla, I will fly if this Augustus says anything to Arthur. Don't worry, I won't die, I promise you. I promise you." Said he, still hugging me, I closed my eyes and buried my face into his shoulder. He was so warm and made me feel so safe...oh, what was I to do!

I loved Arthur, but my feelings for Carter were rising and now they were almost equivalent to love. For around ten minutes Carter and I hugged, until he sighed and told me he had to get dressed. I watched him as he pulled on a shirt with the seal of Pendragon and his chainmail, he smiled to me "I would offer you my arm" said he "but if Arthur saw..." he shook his head and sighed, I nodded, stood, kissed his cheek and told him I would see him at the feast.

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