Rescued- Alphonse x Alchemist!Reader

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(A/N- I thought I should put a warning on here, just to be safe. Some of the content of this one may be a bit more mature than all the other ones. No, it's not a lemon or a smut or whatever other types of strange fanfics that make me uncomfortable there are. It's just, some of the context or background of the situation reader is in may be a little PG-13.
I don't know, it's not that bad, but I figured I'd warn you guys just in case. Onto the story!)

Your hands bound behind your back, laying on the floor, your eyes opened slowly. Looking around without moving your head, you saw you were laying on the floor in a dark and dirty room. Several large men were standing above you, facing away from you. You noticed they were each holding something.
'Guns,' you realized.
You now remember the last thing that happened before you passed out earlier. You had been walking down an alley, taking a short cut to get to where you were headed. Some men had blocked the way ahead of you, and when you kindly asked them to move out of the way, they started advancing towards you.
Before you had been able to put up a fight, someone had come up behind you and put something over your mouth, and you lost consciousness.
You had been drugged, and kidnapped.
To make matters worse, you had been on your way to your first date with Alphonse. You had been so excited to get there, you had taken the sketchy alleyway to shorten your route, and that had led you here.
'This is bad. This is really bad," you thought. 'Wait, I was on my way to meet Alphonse. He knows I'm not the type of person to stand him up. I'm sure he'll know something is wrong. H-he's probably looking for me right now. He probably already told the military I was missing and everyone is looking for me. After all, I wouldn't want any of my state alchemists disappearing randomly without doing anything to search for them. But how long have I been unconscious, if I knew that I could guess how much time I have before someone comes to help me. If nothing else, I know Al won't give up searching for me. He was just as excited about our date as I was. Yeah, I'll be fine.'
'But in the meantime,' you contemplated.
"How much longer before someone comes to take this girl away? I'm tired of standing around guarding," one of the men said.
"Patience, that girl's a state alchemist. She's the Blizzard Alchemist, she'll sell for a hefty price. All those pervs love a girl with talent," another replied.
Taking a guess at what would happen if you were still here when whoever the men were waiting for arrived, you were filled with determination to escape as soon as possible.
As the two men continued talking, you began etching a transmutation circle in the ground behind you. When you were finished, you waited for something to distract the guards so the wouldn't notice the flash of light or hear the sound the transmutation made.
When the door to the room began to open and light started flooding into the room, you took your chance and activated the circle. A small dagger made of ice formed from the water in the air and dropped silently into your hand.
None of the guards noticed.
"How has the merchandise been holding up?" Another man said as he entered.
"No problems whatsoever. We haven't heard a peep out of her this whole time," one of the guards responded.
You silently began cutting through your hands' restraints, which were luckily easy to cut through, they weren't made of metal. Again, none of them noticed.
You kept your eyes closed so that they wouldn't know you were awake. Your back was in the corner, so they were not able to see your hands furiously cutting at what was preventing you from escaping.
You heard one of the men's feet click over to stand in front of you. You felt him kneel down in front of you and stare. You felt extremely uncomfortable.
"Such a pretty, talented young lady," the man who had most recently entered the room said, putting a hand on your face. You could feel his breath on your skin, and you tensed up absent-mindedly.
You felt your restraints give way as you began to wait for your chance.
The man moved his hands over your lips.
"It's a shame she would date a boy who doesn't even have a physical body, when she could do so much better."
Alphonse, they were talking about Alphonse.
You don't know what swept over you. You knew deep down that now wasn't the right time to attempt to escape, but your body reacted faster than your mind.
When you came to your senses, your ice dagger was held against the man's throat, and he was lying on the ground. The other two men had their guns pointed at you.
There was no turning back, so you decided to go along with your instincts.
"Don't you dare insult Alphonse when he is a thousand times the man you could ever be," you said through gritted teeth.
The man chuckled.
You felt an electrical shock run through you, and you collapsed. Looking over at the men with guns, which you had assumed
wouldn't be used since they needed you alive, you saw them pointing tazers at you.
'I should have known guns wouldn't be the only weapon they had,' you scolded yourself.
"Bind her with hand cuffs this time. And put a gag in her mouth to show her what happens when she misbehaves," the man said as he began to leave the room.
"I AM NOT A POSSESSION!" was the last thing you were able to shout before your mouth was bound.
The gag was uncomfortable. It forced your tongue back harshly, and you were unable to speak, only make small noises of discomfort. Whenever you did this, the guards threatened to taze you again, so after a while you stopped.
They also learned from your escape attempt to have someone standing behind you to ensure you didn't attempt another escape using your alchemy.
Your only hope now was that someone would find you before it was too late.
However, as the hours passed, you began to feel your hope slowly draining away. You started coming up with a backup plan.
If no one came to your rescue and you were taken away by these horrible people, you would kill yourself before you let them do anything unsavory to you. It was a last resort, but it was better than what they had planned.
You had your eyes closed, hoping sleep would overcome you to make time move faster.
The guards had switched by now, and you had heard the old ones warn the newbies about how dangerous you were. They had their guards up.
You suddenly heard very faint, distant gunshots. You opened your eyes and looked at the guards. They hadn't seemed to have heard anything.
Your eyes started to close again, thinking it was only your hopeful imagination playing tricks on you. Then you heard it again, louder this time. The guards noticed it too.
The one in front of you pulled out a walkie talkie and began talking into it.
"Hey, what's going on out there?" He said.
The other end came on, and gunshots were heard, along with a male voice yelling into the receiver.
"Y-you're not gonna believe this. Th-there's some sort of guy in a big suit of armor. We gave him a warning to turn back around, but he kept coming. When we started shooting at him, all the bullets just ricocheted off and he kept coming. H-he's crazy good at fighting, nobody's able to beat him. He's knocking everyone unconcious instead of straight up killing them. W-we can't stop him, H-he's headed your way," the voice cut off abruptly.
The receiver came back on, at first only registering the slight clinking of metal, but then a recognizable voice came on in a very serious tone.
"Is (Y/n) still alive and unharmed?"
The guards were silent.
"I'll ask again, IS (Y/N) ALIVE AND UNHARMED?"
"W-well, she's alive," one of the guards finally responded.
"Can't do that, she has a gag over her mouth," the other guard said nervously.
There was no more response on the other end.
Just hearing Al's voice again made your heart race. He had come to save you. You didn't have to worry about any of the bad things that could have happened anymore.
In the panic, the guard behind you stepped over your body, and you hastily began drawing a transmutation circle.
"Oh man, what are we gonna do?" He asked.
You quickly worked, thinking about any possible ways to get out of the handcuffs. In the end, you ended up just using a basic ice spike coming out of the ground to break the chain connecting each cuff. Your restraints broke, and you raced to get up.
The guard who had been in front of you was much more focused than the panicked one who had been behind you. Before you could stop him, he pulled out the tazer and zapped you again, sending you crumpling to the ground.
"Not so fast, we're not letting you go that easily," he kicked your stomach, and you crumpled up further. You were helpless.
"Dude, stop that! Do you know how pissed that guy will be at us for injuring her!?" The other one shouted.
"Who cares how he feels, we're the strongest guards in this gang. We can take him!"
A low, resonating clanging of metal rang out, and the two fell silent.
It rang a second time, louder, closer. It was approaching. It was footsteps.
You looked up at the door of the room, hoping desperately it would open to reveal the one person you wanted to see the most right now.
The footsteps slowly grew louder, until they seemed to be right outside the door.
"Push her back against the wall so he won't get to her before we get the chance to shoot him," the one who had kicked you whispered. The other nervously did as he was told.
The door slowly creaked open, and a large suit of armor blocked out most of the light from entering the room. Because of this, the front side of him was shrouded in shadow. From your place on the floor, the only visible feature of the helmet was a pair of glowing red eyes. He had a deathly serious atmosphere around him. You had only seen him look like this a few times before, but never towards you. This was what it looked like when someone messed with the people he loved the most.
The suit of armor took a firm step into the room. The nervous guard took a step backward, but the other prepared to fire his gun.
"You think you're intimidating? You're nothing but a big trash can!" He fired all six shots from his gun, but they seemed to have no effect on Alphonse.
Al just stood there like a statue.
When the guard realized the gun had no effect, he threw the gun aside and tried the tazer.
Nothing, not even a twitch. The metal just had the electricity run through it, then continue into the ground.
In a final attempt, the guard threw his tazer to the side and ran at Alphonse full force, arm pulled back, ready to swing with all his might.
Instead of taking the punch, Alphonse dodged out of the way and swung back. The guard was knocked out cold.
When he looked at the nervous guard, the guard dropped both weapons immediately and bolted out of the door.
Alphonse stared after him for a second, then looked down to where you lay on the floor. You stared back. He slowly knelt down beside you. He clapped his hands together and placed them on the gag in your mouth. You felt the tension of it give way, and Al carefully removed it.
You moved your tongue around inside your now unrestrained mouth.
Al helped you sit up with one hand.
"H-" you tried to speak, but erupted into a fit of coughs because your throat was so dry from the gag. When the coughing was over, you tried again.
"H-hi Alphonse. Sorry I'm late for our date," you smiled weakly.
Al sighed, a worried sigh. He clapped his hands together and removed the restraints on your hands.
"I don't care about that, (Y/n). I'm just glad you're okay," he said.
"Okay is a relative term," you told him.
"How," he paused, sounding more worried, "How much did they hurt you?"
"I got tazed a few times, mostly because I tried to escape twice, and also held an ice dagger to their boss's throat because he insulted you. The second time I tried to escape, that guard you just knocked out kicked me in the stomach pretty hard, too."
Al seemed pretty upset by this.
"C-can you walk?"
"Probably not without feeling a bunch of pain," you replied.
Alphonse gently picked you up. You were surprised how nice his cool armor felt against your skin. But you were even more surprised with how delicately he was handling your fragile form.
You liked being carried by him. Although, in the future you hoped for different circumstances.
As Al carried you out of the building you were in, you saw people from the military rounding up all the gang members who had kidnapped you. Even the creepy guy, the one who you had held a dagger to his neck, was in the process of being loaded into a military prison vehicle.
When Al had brought you to a hospital vehicle, they started checking your vitals and seeing if you had any other injuries, internal or external.
Al and you were both happy to hear that all they had to report was some bruising on your stomach.
About an hour later, you and Alphonse sat watching from the sidelines as the last of the business there was being wrapped up. You had a blanket around you and a cup of calming hot tea held in your hands. Your legs swung back and forth slightly from your ledge. Alphonse was sitting completely still.
You glanced over at him and caught him staring at you. He quickly looked away, and you grinned slightly.
"Alphonse, thanks for saving me."
Al looked back at you, a light pink tinting his helmet.
"Y-you're welcome. I-I just thought you wouldn't be the type of person to stand me up on a date, so when you didn't show up, I knew something was wrong. I told Ed, and he contacted the military. When they told us they found where you most likely were, I volunteered to go in first because," he trailed off, his blush increasing, "I didn't like the thought of those bad people hurting the girl I love."
You felt bright red spread across your face now, too. You both sat in silence for a little while, before you pulled Al's head down towards you and planted a soft kiss on his metallic cheek.
His glowing red eyes widened slightly, then stared silently down at you. The way he was looking at you, you felt your blush grow even deeper.
"I-I love you too, Alphonse. Thank you for being my literal knight in shining armor today."
You intertwined your hand with his and leaned your head against his shoulder. He seemed happy, both of you were.
This wouldn't be the last time you both felt so happy to just be silently sitting together, holding hands.

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