Chapter Two

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Whitekit sulked in the corner of the nursery, digging her little claws into a soft-rock. No one understands. . .

She had had to bring a crying Tumblekit and an angry Palekit in to help her communicate, resulting in a disappointed Tallflower and a yelling Willowshade.

Wolfkit scowled as he listened to Willowshade shout, while Ryekit, the younger of the two, looked like he was about to cry.

When the queen calmed down and Wolfkit ran back to Tallflower, Whitekit peeked out from behind the soft-rock. Ryekit looked ashamed as Willowshade refused to look at him. Palekit's fur was still stuck up as she walked out of the nursery with Tumblekit, both intending to play mossball on their own.

Whitekit saw Tallflower take Wolfkit and place him in the corner of the nursery, crouching down to scold him.

"Wolfkit, you always act like this!" Tallflower hissed quietly, not wanting to disturb Willowshade and Whitekit.

Whitekit flicked her small brown ears towards Tallflower's voice.

"Attention? Is that what you need?" The queen asked her kit. Wolfkit simply stuck his nose up in the air and turned away from his mother's gaze.

Whitekit frowned before wobbling over to the door, tripping once and sneezing twice. She pushed it open and saw Tumblekit and Palekit running back and forth, the mossball in Palekit's mouth. Tumblekit gained on Whitekit's sister, trying to grab the ball of soft moss.

Palekit giggled as Tumblekit squealed with joy. She tossed it in the air to her sister, yelling at her to catch it.

Whitekit's eyes widened as she saw the mossball come at her. Trying to grasp the plaything in her mouth, she took in air sharply as it landed on her face.

Palekit and Tumblekit gasped and ran over to the young and frail kit.

"Are you alright?" Palekit asked. "I'm sorry! I thought you would catch it!"

It's just a little mossball, Whitekit frowned, but slammed her two front paws to signal that she was alright.

Tumblekit sighed in relief. She looked to inspect Whitekit, then frowned when she looked up to see Ryekit and Wolfkit pad out of the nursery.

"Why didn't Mama punish you?" Palekit asked her brother. Whitekit nodded in agreement with the question and looked to Ryekit.

Ryekit shrugged, and Wolfkit stepped in front of him. "Willowshade and Tallflower agree with us after all!" He smirked.

He's lying! Whitekit thought angrily, lashing her tail.

Ryekit looked surprised. "W-what?" He squeaked, looking up to Wolfkit with bewildered wide eyes.

"That's a lie!" Tumblekit squeaked, the tears already forming in her eyes. "You're mean!"

Wolfkit shrugged nonchalantly and took the mossball from behind Palekit's foot. He beckoned Ryekit to come play with him. Reluctantly, the small tom agreed.

Tumblekit ran back into the nursery, crying to Tallflower, while Palekit and Whitekit went to tell Willowshade how Ryekit had acted.

Tumblekit sniffled. "Wolfkit doesn't listen to anyone! Only Jaggedwing and Wildstar!"

Tallflower sighed and nodded. It was true that her son only listened to his father and leader, and that would not change no matter how hard she tried. Alas, she wouldn't dare bother the busy warriors for a single stuck up kit.

Willowshade looked angry with Ryekit. "Ryekit, you need to learn to include your sisters!" She whispered fiercely so the other kits couldn't here.

"I'm. . . I'm sorry!" Ryekit whimpered, flattening his ears and looking away. "I just wanted to be like Wolfkit!"

Willowshade frowned. "And bully your sisters?" She exclaimed. "That's not how a real warrior should act!"

Ryekit started to cry. "I didn't mean to!" He wailed.

Whitekit and Palekit looked to each other, then to Ryekit, and then to Wolfkit. Whitekit frowned and turned around, padding over to her soft-rock. She liked to sleep on it more than the nest, and she loved the way it sank down under her light weight.

At this time, the sun was nearly set upon the city line, where the sky met the buildings and the buildings touched the clouds.

Whitekit felt small teeth tug on her small brown tail. Opening her right eye, she looked up to see Palekit.

She signaled the sign for 'what'--a flick of her left ear, then her right ear, then left again.

Palekit licked her muzzle and opened her mouth, a silent signal that they were going to eat.

The three-moon-old sisters got up and trailed behind their mother, who was still arguing with Ryekit.

Once they reached the fresh-kill pile, Willowshade selected a small pigeon for her kits to share. Whitekit watched as Palekit and Ryekit dug in, leaving little to none for her. Palekit noticed Whitekit's more than unusual silence.

"Why aren't you eating?" She asked.

Whitekit flicked her tail toward's Palekit's belly.

"Your stomach hurts?"

Whitekit nodded, even though it was a lie. It was more of an unusual fatigue, and she just wanted to lie down.

Wolfkit trotted up to the three with his nose in the air. "Want to play a game?" He asked suspiciously.

"What is it now, Wolfkit?" Palekit sighed.

"Well, I know you she-cats probably won't want to. . . But I wanted to ask Ryekit if he wanted to go on an adventure! You know, to prove that we're real warriors!" He said excitedly with a glint in his eye.

"Well, what kind of adventure?" Ryekit asked with a tone of interest.

"Let's go explore the territory!"


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Be sure to comment any thoughts! I'm indefinitely open to constructive criticism as well, whether it's more character development or grammatical errors.

Oh, yea! One thing you might want to know (in case you didn't pick it up), a soft-rock is a pillow :3

What do you think so far? Wolfkit's development is coming along. . . I think. I'll be sure to focus on Whitekit A LOT the next chapter. You'll see--thanks for reading! 🐾

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