Ears Everywhere

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Ice looked at the Winter Soldier as she put her mask over her mouth. They sat across from each other in the back of the van that was carrying them into Washington DC. He already had his goggles on as he looked back at her. The Asset slipped two knives into their sheaths as Ice made sure all of her guns had bullets in them. The now raven haired woman cracked her neck and then her knuckles as the van came to a stop.

"Soldat." She spoke softly as she the doors opened. The man looked at his partner as she climbed out.

"Led." He responded in his gruff voice, slightly muffled by his mask. His eyes went down to her hands as she pulled her gloves off. Small snowflakes floated around her almost blue hands. It always amazed him, her powers. She was something he had never seen before. But he, she had something like him before, she just didn't know it. The Soldier was the second super soldier she had met. The first one had been ripped out of her mind.

Once they were out on the street, the Winter Soldier immeadiately found his target, a big black damaged SUV that was heading towards he and Ice. Ice watched and his lifted up metal arm and fired the gun type thing in his hand. The two of them took one step away as the SUV flipped over infront of them. Ice and the Soldier quickly walked over to the vehicle. The man gripped the door with his metal hand and ripped it off. Ice leaned down to inside and saw a huge, freshly made hole.


It was maybe a few hours later when Steve finally came home, parking his motorcycle outside his apartment buliding. He quickly made his away inside, exhausted from the day's events. After he had climbed the stairs to reach his level, he was met with nurse neighbor coming out of her apartment.

"I gotta go through. Okay, bye. My aunt, she's kind of an insomniac." His neighbor said, smiling at him. He returned the smile. His eyes went down the laundry basket in her arms.

"Hey if you want, if you want you're welcome to use my machine. It might be cheaper than the one in the basement." He says and the woman grins.

"Oh yeah? What does it cost?" She asks, a smirk now in her face.

"A cup of coffee?" He tries and the woman's smirk turns into a sad smile.

"Thank you, but, I already have a load in downstairs and you really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished a rotation in the infectious disease ward." She says and Steve chuckles, sort of glad that she hadn't taken him up on his offer. "Oh and I think you left your stero on."

"Oh thank you." Steve says as the woman walks away. He had barely noticed the music coming from inside his apartment. Fearing that it could be a trap, he went back outside and climbed the fire escape to reach his window and slipped inside the dark apartment. He grabbed his shield and made his way into his living room. He was in fight mode until he saw Fury sitting in a chair by the wall.

"I don't remember giving you a key." Steve says, leaving against the wall. Fury grunts as he sits up.

"You really think I need to? My wife kicked me out."

"Didn't know you were married." Steve responds and Fury shrugs.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." He retorts. Steve walks over and turns the lamp on.

"I know, Nick. That's the problem." He speaks as Nick turns the light back off. He quickly types on his phone and shows it to Steve: EARS EVERYWHERE. Steve looks around his apartment.

"I'm sorry to have to do this, but I had no place else to crash." Fury continues to lie, typing on his phone. SHIELD COMPROMISED.

"Who else knows about your wife?" Steve asks, playing along with Fury. The man with eye patch stands up. YOU AND ME.

"Just you and me. My friend."

"Is that we are?"

"Guess that's up to you." Fury says. Seconds after that bullets come flying through the wall, hitting Fury.

Outside, Ice stands with the Soldier on a nearby buliding, her blue eyes glowing as she watches Captain Rogers jump through a window into the buliding they are ontop of. The Winter Soldier grabs her arm and pulls her as they begin running. She yanks her arm out of his grasps and floats, flying along side him. The Soldier jumps onto another, shorter buliding and Ice follows. Seconds after they land, Steve Rogers crashes through a window and lands on the same buliding. The blonde throws his shield at the man running. Ice smirks as the Asset catches it in his metal hand. The woman covers the shield in ice. Steve looks at her and her glowing blue eyes.

"Goodbye Captain." She says in hauntingly familiar voice as the Soldier throws the metal disc back. The Captain catches it, skidding backwards. He looks down at the ice covered shield and when he looks back the woman and the man are gone. He runs to the edge of the buliding and jumps on it, looking down for the two, only to see they had both disappeared. The woman, she was so familiar. That's when it clicks. The eyes, the ice, that voice. He'd know that voice anywhere. It's a voice he hadn't heard in over a year. Whose owner was supposed to be dead.

That woman was Clara.

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