Chapter Twenty-one Cecelia

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After class, we have lunch. We all eat together again, but it's less awkward. I guess we're so used to the realization that Zayne likes me and Taj likes Emily that we just ignore the awkwardness. So here we are, chatting away, when Hazel and Rachel come over to us. Neither of the, are wearing makeup, and they both look like they rolled through a muddy ditch, considering the state of their clothes, and hair. Hazel starts talking. She says:
" Um, hi."
We all look at her in a funny way, like she's some kind of  alien. I mean, why would she want to talk to us? She ignored us, offended Emily immensely, and now she's acting all sorry? Nah ah. No way.
"Hazel. "
I say.
"Why are you talking to us?"
Oops. That came out wrong. It sounded better in my head.
"Ok, sorry I meant like why are you being nice to us? Like after you REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY offended Emily? And me and Julia? "
I quickly correct myself.
"Hazel looks uncomfortably down and then, after a minute, walks away. Wow, that was kinda anti-climactic... Wth???? I'm really confused now. I decide to ignore that that happened, and we resume our conversation. Then, the bell rings, and it's time for Basic Maths class. It's the first time we've had it, so I don't know what it'll be like. We all walk in, (I'm wearing fake glasses as a joke and to look smart) and sit down. Somehow, we arrived before the teacher. Maybe he's one of the people who is really irresponsible. I don't really know... Just then, he walks in. He's thin and lean, like you'd expect a technology geek to be. He is wearing round glasses, and has a goatee. He sits down and yells in the loudest imaginable way:
" Sit down and be quiet!"
Oh god, this isn't gonna be a good class... And it's not. All we "learn" is multiplication, division and addition of fractions. Yay... No. I am so bored at one point that I almost fall asleep. But I am saved from being noticed by Emily shaking me awake.
The next class we have is transformation class, and today is the day where I get to try to fly. After transforming into my animal, I jump off desks for half of the class, and then I figure out how to fly. It's a little more than just flapping your wings and hoping for the best. You have to mentally be ready for what you're about to do. I mean for all you know you could just die. Well maybe not in my case. I'm standing on top of the desk. I don't think that's really life-threatening. I manage to take off the ground, and Emily manages to run around the class and jump a bit. Then we have defense class, where we learn how to defend ourselves against our opposite elements. Today, I learn how to block an earthquake. I only manage to stop a small one but still it's a victory. We are partnered up with opposite elements, and I'm with Emily, and she gets to block my mini tornadoes. I've come a really far way from when I first started. Then we have studies period. Again, we don't really do much because we don't have any homework yet. But I bet when we do this class will be super useful, instead of getting more homework. When the bell rings, we all walk over to dinner. Hazel doesn't try to talk to us again, and neither does Rachel. I guess they gave up on trying to do whatever they wanted to do. I have a garden salad, an apple and a Fanta. After dinner, Julia comes and hangs out at my place, because Emily wanted to go to bed early.  We look through the latest issues of magazines, re painting our nails, and chat about this and that. When the "go to bed" announcement goes on, I say goodnight to Julia, and breaking the rules a bit, I stay up and write. At ten, I'm done writing. I turn of my lights, and crawl in bed in my pj's, I drift off to sleep quickly.

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