Chapter nine

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I haven't updated in a while bc I got my phone taken away and now I have it back (:

cora's pov

"Cora come on we are leaving," Jesse announces as he grabs my arm and pulls me out of the place. I try my best to break free, but Jesse was much stronger than me.

"Jesse!" I shouted, moving around like a wild animal on the loose. "I am not leaving without Sam or Celina!"

Jesse stops trying to pull away when he heard the name "Celina."

"How did you find out Celina was in there!?" Jesse's eyes turned darker and I back away from him, slowly.

"I-I know that she's been the one who has been blocking my powers." I tell him. He grabs my arm harshly and drags me back to the room.

"Celina, come out here!" Jesse shouts loudly, making me jump a little in the spot.

I see Celina slowly walking out of the dark corner, looking afraid of Jesse.

"Y-Yes?" Celina gulps, frightened of Jesse.

"Are you trying to help them escape?!" Jesse let's go of my hands. He marches towards her, angrily. Jesse stood infront of her then slapped her across the face.

I gasped.

Did Jesse really just do that? The Jesse I knew would never do all of this! Why was he acting like this right now?!

Celina touched her cheek, where Jesse had slapped her. She looked very angry. Her eyes started changing a different color. But this time it was weird. Her eye color was changing every second, which creeped me out a little.

All of us were curiously staring at Celina that we forgot what was going on

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All of us were curiously staring at Celina that we forgot what was going on. I immediately snapped back to reality, so did Sam. Sam elbowed the guy that was holding him, making him groan.

"Run!" Celina warned us. I nodded, holding on to Sam's hand and pulling him towards the exit. Suddenly the door slammed shut, frightening me.

"W-Where are you going?!" I called after Sam, letting go of his hand. He was breathing heavily.

"We have to go, Cora before they come back out! This is our chance to run!" Sam exclaimed, pulling my hand again and running.

"Sam, what about Celina! We can't leave her in there alone with them, we have to help her!" Sam stopped running, letting go of my hand.

"Celina told me she will find us, but we have to run and get out of here. She said she will be okay and she will be safe." He explained to me. When did she tell him that? "Now lets go!" He grabbed ahold of my hands again and continued to run. I turn around, looking at the place we were in.

Thank you Celina....


"Mom!" I yelled out when I got back to my home. "Mom! Matthew!"

"Cora!" I walk into my living room and see a lot of people gathered around in there. A few of them run up to me, tackling me with hugs and kisses.

"Sweetheart, you are okay? What happened! Did Jesse hurt you?" My mom asked a load of questions.

"N-No, he didn't hurt me mom. But I need to tell you something." I said, looking around at everyone. "Privately."

She nods, taking me upstairs into her bedroom. "Speak. What happened?"

"It's Jesse...... I don't think that's the real Jesse mom. The Jesse we know would never ever do things like that." I explain to her. "It's like he's a completely different person, like someone else is controlling him to do all of this."

"What are you talking about?" Mom asked.

"Jesse would never hurt girls. Jesse would never kill a baby, Jesse would never hurt anyone." I said.

"I-" my mom was interrupted by the door opening.

"Cora you're okay!" Luke exclaimed, running over to me and crushing me in a hug. "We were worried sick about you! We were trying to figure out a plan to get you back!"

"I'm okay, Luke." I blushed. "Just a few scratches here and there."

His eyes widened, "What? Where! I will kill that guy if I have to!"

"Luke you can't kill him, I'm sorry. Not trying to say you are weak or anything, but he is pretty strong, especially now."

"What do you mean by 'especially now'?" Luke questioned.


"Cora, I think it's best that no one finds out about this. Not until we know it is true." My mom warns me, giving me a stern look.

I nod at her, "Sorry, Luke. I can't tell you, I wish I could but I can't."

"It's okay, it's none of my business anyways." He says, rubbing my arm up and down. "I'm just glad you are alright."

I smile up at him and he wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his neck while his is around my waist, tightly may I add.

Luke leads me downstairs where everyone was waiting. I shyly wave at all of them, a few of them waving back.

"Cora this is Chloe's family," Matthew said, petrified. Matthew turned to look at them and a few of them scowled at him, making Matt jump slightly.

"Look what you two got us in!" A big dude, which I assume is Chloe's father, exclaimed. "Chloe I do not want to stay with these witches." Wow, why did he have to say it that way? "But if they will protect you then so be it." He turns to face my mom and I, looking furious. "My daughter and her unborn baby will be protected by you guys. I understand that your family are the only witches and wizards left. So my pack and I will keep you guys safe as well. We protect you guys and you guys will protect our daughter and her unborn child."

"Mom, why did he say we are the only witches and wizards left?" I asked my mother, afraid for her answer.

"They captured more, Cora. Xavier captured more Wizards and Witches, they took the last ones when you were gone, aside from us." She explained to me. How could he do that? What did he want from all of them? "We have to watch out now because they are after us next, and Jesse's vampires are after the baby and Chloe."

Anger boiled inside of me. Hearing Jesse's name made me acrimony. I don't know what happened to Jesse, but I know for certain it has to do with Xavier. We can't take on all of them. We only have a couple people helping us with this fight. I will not include Ashton, Michael, Calum, Luke, Delia, or any of my friends into this. They will not get hurt because of me and I will not let them.

"How do we fight all of them? There are only a few of us helping." Someone spoke up.

"I can get the mermaids to help, Cora. They can help on land and in the sea." Violet offered, putting a hand on my shoulder.

Like I said, I will not put my friends into danger.

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