The Day in 1971

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"...speak now; or else for ever hold your peace."

I raised my hand, stood up and walked towards the aisle. "I am."

"What?" A bride of blonde hair and blue eyes said. Even her groom was stunned. "Why?" The man seated beside me followed and attempted to stop me, "Baby, what are you doing?"

"I love her! That's it!" I ran towards them, but they were more distant every time I tried to get nearer. Then the groom just asked the priest to proceed while I was extremely becoming distant from the altar.

I was able to reach the altar, but it was too late. I saw them already kissing each other, while the other people were already clapping their hands. I looked back and the man who followed me went away; he gave up on me too.

All of a sudden, there was a quicksand on where I was standing. I shouted for help, and the three people came to me: the couple and the man. But they simply stared at me, and I drowned. I lost her.

I screamed and opened my eyes. It was just a dream. Then I heard a voice, "You okay honey?" It was just Benny.

"I had a nightmare." I was trembling in fear, but he put his hand on my back.

"It's okay. I am here." I was stunned. I guess that dream was sending me a message. "Now, we have to prepare right now for the day." He kissed me then he stood up.

"What the day are you talking about?" I wondered.

"The day... the wedding day... Björn and Agnetha?" He laughed. "Have you forgotten?"

Oh how I wish this was also another dream! But it was not a dream at all. Fri, acceptance. It's for the best. You have Benny here. "Oh yes." I looked at Benny. "I forgot it is today."

Of course I tried to forget it on purpose. I guess this would be part of the history of the four of us. Remember, let go for everyone's happiness. I just kept those words in my head. It was actually my mantra until some point of time. I was still in bed, still reconciling and processing the idea when he called me again, "Can we take the shower together? You seem to be off today."

Was he teasing me early in the morning? How could I even resist when he was giving me that stunning smile? But I remembered we were supposed to rush. "But I thought we're supposed to rush... Just go ahead."

"But it's better if we share a bath together to save water...and we will finish faster." Okay. I could not resist puppy eyes.

"Go ahead. I'll come in soon." I got up from bed, and as he was about to enter the bathroom, "Nice rhyme by the way. Try it to make a song out of it! Haha!!!"

"You're elevating my excitement." He loudly called me when he entered the bathroom. "Faster Fridaaaa!!!"

"Fine...fine... coming..." 

I don't want to delve with the details in the bathroom. Bottomline: We took a bath together, saved water, finished faster, and had fun together. Haha!!! 

I just dressed as simple as possible. "You still look pretty, Frida." Benny told me while I was still fixing myself in front of the mirror. Then he came nearer, "When will ours be?"

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