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Chapter 22: Volturi

I got into the car and ignored Jared's protesting. Lizzie smiled and patted my head. I gave her a questioning look. The car took off as I hit my head off of the seat. I gripped onto everything for dear life.

"I think I will be dead before the Volturi can even get to me." I shouted. The three laughed lightly but were still sour about the whole situation. My phone kept buzzing as we zipped by the trees. I glanced at my phone to see 12 messages from Jared. Lizzie gave me a look as I put it back in my pocket. I closed my eyes waiting for us to finally get to the Volturi.

We finally arrived in Italy after taking a plane here. I didn't know the place we were going to was called nor did I even care. Alice started talking about noon and Edward. I realized that when I was with the two girls that I felt like I was missing something. Was I missing something in this whole situation? Or was I missing something back at home? Lizzie didn't really bother to talk to me much. Alice started honking as she pushed past the red coats. Police stopped her as she started rambling on to Bella.

"I will go with her." Lizzie stated. She got out of the vehicle with Bella. I watched them sprint away with a blank look. Alice started talking to the men trying to get out of the situation. The police finally let her go. Alice seemed dazed off in her own little world. I waited for her to speak but instead I got a smile. She hopped out of the car. I jumped out and followed her. I didn't want to get lost in the crowd of red coats.

We reached a building that was tall and elegant. She opened the door and let herself in. I stepped in place beside her and took in my surroundings. I wasn't really listening to anyone or anything. A cold hand touched my arm causing me to flinch at the sudden touch.

"Come on, Avery. Don't wanna lose you, now do we?" Alice chirped with a smile. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. Alice walked away with me trailing behind. We got onto an elevator as I squished next to a short girl who looked about 14 or 15. She didn't look pleased to be standing beside me. I smiled satisfied with my new enemy. The elevator doors opened as everyone stepped out. We walked into an elegant room that could be mistaken as a ball room. Three pasty men were sitting in throne like chairs.

"You were supposed to bring one. But instead you brought two halves." A boy who was standing stated.

"Two halves make a whole, idiot." I butted in. Alice sent me a disapproving look. I shrugged as red eyes burned through me. Lizzie exchanged looks with the leeches and me.

"Wait, wouldn't it be one and a half?" She asked. "I mean, there are three humans in the room."

"No, my love." The boy denied with a smirk.

"Why is that?" Bella asked. The girl rolled her eyes as the boy's smirk grew.

"Because she is my mate." He stated. My jaw dropped at the word. Lizzie's face grew red while Bella was speechless. I shook my head in denial.

"No way, that can't happen." I stated. Lizzie sent a glare my way which confused me. Bella nodded her head in agreement.

"Why is that?" The man in the middle asked. He stood up and walked up to Bella. "Everyone is destined to be with someone."

"Exactly. It just happens to be a Siren." The boy stated. My eyes grew wide when he said 'siren'. He knows about her. Does he know about me? The man put his hand up and smiled.

"My name is Aro." The man introduced himself. He walked up to Bella and asked for her hand. She glanced at Edward cautiously and put her hand in his. He stared at her and smiled. "I don't see anything."

"What?" I whispered to Alice.

"He can see people's memories." She replied. I nodded as he approached Lizzie. She put her hand as he started reading her memories.

"What an interesting, perfected life you have." He stated as he released Lizzie's hand from his own. He stuck his palm out to me. I squinted my eyes as I slowly reached my hand out. He grabbed my hand and stared at me.

"I don't see anything with you, either." He stated with a smile. I mumbled a 'good' under my breath and removed my hand from his hand. He walked away and started talking to the girl.

"Jane, I want you to test her out." Aro ordered. Jane smirked and focused on Bella. Edward started charging after Jane.

"Pain." She stated. Edward started cringing as veins popped out of his neck. A flash zipped past me to Bella as she struggled to get to Edward's aid.

"What is she doing?" I asked as I helped Alice control Edward. She sighed and looked up.

"Pain illusion." She whispered. My body started tingling like it did from before. The tingling rushed through my veins. Edward finally stopped struggling and waited.

"Now, Bella's turn." Aro stated. Jane sent Bella a cold stare as she tried her power. Bella waited for it to come but it never came. Aro started laughing which sounded creepy. "Try it on the siren."

"Wait, Aro." The boy said trying to stop him. A screeching scream hit my ears. The scream sounded like a deadly siren. I flinched slightly when it started ringing over and over. Lizzie's screaming siren ceased as she started breathing heavily.

"Now, it's this one's turn." Aro pointed. The tingling soon stopped as black spots filled my vision.

Everything became darker than usual. A burning sensation ran through my body. A growl emitted from my mouth when pain struck my body. The burning sensation was overtaking my body. The pain increased as I screamed. I fell to my knees as the pain continued to increase by the second. Suddenly, the pain turned into a burning fire. My body felt like it was sat ablaze. I stopped screaming and tilted my head. I noticed everyone give me weird looks. The burning sensation felt amazing. My sight became black as I lost control of my body.

My sight returned to normal as I was able to move. I flung myself forward but hit my head off of something.

"Oh, thank god." A familiar voice stated. "I thought I was going to have to drag you through miserable Hell."

Hey. Double update!! Isn't that great? I think it is. NEW MOON IS FINALLY OVER! Now, it is time for Eclipse. *throws celebration* WOOHOO!

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