Jamie & the Art Exhibit

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Jamie & the Art Exhibit
(16 years old)

I heard a loud crunching sound, followed by my mom's screaming voice.

That couldn't be good.

I shoved my Math notebook off of my lap, opening my bedroom door in time to hear the front door slamming.

I hurried down the stairs to see my mom standing at the kitchen doorframe, her arm braced against it.

"Go upstairs Jamie," she stated, quietly. Her face was cast downward, her voice thick.

"What happened mom?" I asked, my eyes sweeping the kitchen and then over into the living room.

My dad's presence was missing.

She turned around, disappearing into the kitchen.

"Where's dad?" I called out, following her. "Was that him who slammed the door?"

And what was the loud cracking noise?

"I need a drink." She pulled a bottle of wine out of the refrigerator, filling her wine glass to the top.

Mom always said that she never understood why adults only filled their glasses halfway. If she was going to have a glass, she was going to make it worthwhile.

"Are you okay at least?"

She planted a kiss on my forehead, allowing me to see the tears on her face. "I'm fine love. It's just been a long day. Would you like to order a pizza and watch a movie?"

I hated how normal she was acting, as though this was an everyday occurrence.

"I guess."

She went to place the order in her phone and I went out into the living room to pick out a movie.

"Jamie Lee!"

But it was too late.

In the smack dab middle of the wall, there was a clear hole. And I had no doubt it was caused by my dad's fist.

I fell back a couple of steps, staring at it with my mouth gaped open.

My mom's hand fell on my shoulder, and she offered me a tight smile. "I meant we could watch a movie in my room."

"What happened?"

She dropped her hand, letting out a long sigh.

My dad's anger management had never been a secret in the house, but he'd never resorted to physical violence.

"We were having a difficult conversation, an adult conversation. And to speak for your father, he did try to convey to me that he was uncomfortable. But it was a conversation we needed to have. Needless to say, things got a little too heated."

I felt speechless as I stared at it, my heart in my throat.

"Come on honey," mom said, tugging me away from the living room. "I don't know about you but I could really go for a good romcom right about now."

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