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Looking around the cell, I was devastated.

I lost my trust in Gordon..

Out of the police here in Gotham, he was the only one I felt comfortable going to.

But of course, he turned his back on me, and only listened to what he wanted to hear.

For the first time, in a long time, I sat down on the small cot in the cell, and closed my eyes.

I closed my eyes and tried taking in slow, steady breaths.

"So now your a criminal?" A voice called over.

I looked up, "I'm not a--"


"Gordon. You can't just lock people up for nothing!" CatWoman shouted.

I folded my hands and leaned back in my swivel chair, "I think I can." and I pointed to the nice, golden plaque that said "Co-Chief, Detective Gordon."

She shook her head, and with a glare she pushed herself up from my desk, causing a few things to knock over, and one of my snow globes rolled off and busted.

Rubbing my eyes, I propped my head up on the desk, "What am I getting myself in to?" I asked no one in particular.


Slightly jarred by the loud noise I looked up, to my least favorite cop of Gotham.

"Juarez, what a pleasure!" I griped.

Juarez sat on my desk, knocking a few more items off, "I thought I'd check in on you," he leaned in, "I heard you talking to yourself, and I wanted to get the gossip." He smirked.

Getting up and grabbing my suit jacket, I shouldered Juarez and walked towards the exit, "Night, Juarez."

             *     *      *

Opening the door of 313B, I strolled into my apartment and threw my jacket over a chair.

Slowly winding down for the night, I checked the fridge and made a quick sandwich.

Flipping in the Tv, I watched the News of a shoot out at Brooke's Bus Stop.

After the story went off, I turned off the Television and went to sleep.


It's been a while, and a little sneak peek at Detective Gordon's "amazing" life.


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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