Chapter 64- Interrogation

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My eyes fluttered open when I heard the sound of a door slamming shut. I stretched out on the bed and looked over to where Daryl slept, or was suppose to be sleeping. I rubbed my eyes and stumbled out of bed. I quickly changed into my favourite pair of black jeans and an army green tank-top. I left my swords on the dresser and pulled on a pair of army boots. I slid Daryl's hunting knife into my boot and looked at his picture.

I frowned and folded it in half. I tucked it into the sheath of my favourite sword and pulled my mothers amulet over my head. I braided my dirty hair back and walked out the door. I climbed down the stairs and picked up a peach laying on the counter.

I ate it hungrily and strolled outside. Everyone randomly was spread around camp, Tayler and Jenny, stood together.

I frowned and walked over to them. "How are you doing on insulin?" I asked her quickly, interrupting the conversation.

Jenny shot me a dirty look but I ignored her and waited for Tayler to answer me. "Alright I guess." She mumbled. I frowned and looked at Jenny. She held the scowl and I took the hint.

Either Jenny was jealous of me being with Daryl or she just didn't like me, either way she didn't seem to want to get along. I walked away, before they could say anything else to me. So this is what I get for trying to be nice to someone.

I heard commotion coming from the barn and crawled up onto the high ledge. I looked in and saw Daryl beating the crap out of someone.

I squinted my eyes and could make out the figure of a face. He looked sorta familiar but I couldn't figure out if I've met him before. Daryl punched him in the jaw again and I jumped down off of the roof towards Daryl and the boy.

"What the hell are you doin' in here?!" Daryl yelled at me.

I crossed my arms and held my ground. "Since no ones telling me whats going on here, I've come to investigate." I said calmly.

"No, get out." Daryl growled at me. I leaned against the table and narrowed my eyes.

"God Daryl, its not like I've never seen an interrogation before." I snarled. Daryl scowled at me and I moved the chair to the far corner of the room and sat down.

I hugged my knees to my chest and Daryl turned around to face the kid. Daryl stared at him for a moment. Then he quickly punched the kid hard, making him fall to the ground. Daryl grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the barn wall.

"I told you!" The boy panicked.

"You told me shit!" Daryl yelled and slammed him against the wall again, bunching his shirt up in his hands.

"I barely know those guys! I met them on the road!" The boy begged Daryl.

"How many in your crew?" Daryl yelled. The boy didn't say anything, and Daryl didn't hesitate to pull the knife from his pocket.

The kid's eyes widened and fear took over himself. "No, no, no! Come on man!" He begged.

Daryl stepped towards the kid and bent down. "How many?" He asked again, yanking a bandage off the boys leg making him yelp from pain.

"T-t-hirty, thirty guys!" the kid yelled.

"Where?" Daryl demanded.

"I don't know!" He yelled desperately.

Daryl balanced the knife on the edge of the boys scab. "You ever rip a scab off before? Ya gotta start real slow, but sooner or later you gotta rip it off!" Daryl yelled.

"ALRIGHT!" the boy yelled, making Daryl stand up and lean against the table.

"We got men, women, even children! A whole group like you! Only the men go out and scavenge though." The kid said quietly. He paused and stared off in the distance as if recalling a horrible memory. "One night we went out and found a little camp site. A man and his daughters, teenagers you know? Like her." the kid said, nodding towards me.

Daryl turned and looked at me. I scowled and pulled my knees closer to my chest. "I'm not a teenager!" I yelled at the boy.

"Whatever! Anyways, they were real young, real cute too." the boy said, trailing off after the word cute.

"Those guys, they made the dad watch them. They didn't even kill them afterwards, just left them there. But I wouldn't do that! I would never touch those girls!" The boy pleaded.

Daryl's eyes flickered to me, anger and hatred filling them. I stood up and walked over to the table. I looked down at the boy, trying to make sense of who he was. He seemed to be doing the same thing. Without notice, Daryl turned around and kicked the boy very hard in the gut making him fall over.

Daryl spit at him and started to leave the barn. I quickly followed after him, "Whats his name?" I asked quietly.

"Doesn't matter, he's a rapist." Daryl replied coldly.

"He said he didn't do it." I replied calmly.

Daryl stopped and looked at me. "He coulda stopped 'em, but he didn't. If that ever happened to you..." Daryl trailed off and started walking again.

Rick and Ryan strolled up quickly. "Whats his name?" I asked them before they could start talking.

"Randal." Rick responded coldly.

"Well?" Ryan asked Daryl, ignoring my question.

Daryl shook his head and looked at me "He's a scumbag. Got no respect for women, his groups got heavy ammo and round thirty men." Daryl commented.

"Then we have no choice then to kill him." Ryan said calmly. I nodded and looked towards the barn, thinking that this was one of the only ways to get rid of him.

"You can't be serious?" Dales voice asked. I turned to see the old man approaching, sadness swarming his face.

"Let's go." I whispered to Daryl. He nodded and we walked towards the camp.

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