Chapter 13- Bassive

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Cotton. Caramel. Alcohol. Leather. Heat.

The darkness is taken away as I open my eyes revealing the origins of these things. The cotton of the sheets I lay in. The smell of caramel from the gift basket on the table. Warmth from the bed. The taste of alcohol in my mouth. The leather of my pants. The heat of the room.

I was lying in a glorious four poster bed in a room filled with rich brown's & dainty whites, a bookshelf in the corner of the room, with a chest of drawers to my right and a table and chairs in the middle. The room was silent, but not eerily so, I am peaceful, but I shouldn't be. I'm in a room God knows where , brought here by someone, Alex? no. Adam? no. Alastair? Yes, that was it.

I get up and investigate the gift basket, finding caramels and chocolates, Sour Patch Kids and Warheads. All my favorite chocolates and candies. "Did you put the basket in the room?" I was startled by this voice and dove under the covers off the bed just as the door opened and someone stepped through it. After closing it they sat down in one of the chairs. Taking a deep breath, I rolled over, slowly slipping my hand up my shirt and pulled the sheathed blade out of its place in my bra. It was tiny, as small as my pinky, but better than nothing.

I let out an ear splitting scream and heard the person in the chair run forward towards me. Just as they reached the bed, I opened my eyes and launched myself at them. I shove his large shoulders against the wall and press the tip of the knife against his stomach. Driven by fear, but I was calm.

"May stop." He begged with me.

"Who are you?"

"May, it's me."

"Stop calling me that, now who are you?"

"Sebastian my name is Sebastian."

"No." I drop the knife. "You're dead." I let go "I grieved." I ran.

I flung the door open and ran from the room stopping behind a pile of crates and took in where I was, large metal walls and an extremely high ceiling the upper areas decorated with catwalk.

"May!" I heard him calling me.

"Mask activate." My whisper barely audible, but my glasses obeyed and my Wisp mask secured to my head, never to be taken off by anything or anyone other than me or my voice.

There were several voices to my left prompting me to get a move on. From behind the crates I saw a very large open space, a door at the very end, a boxing ring on one side then behind it, targets and so on with more training equipment till it reached the back wall. On the other side, sets of couches and bean bags are in semi circles around entertainment units with TV's and gaming consoles. This also reaches to the door while in the middle there's a big kitchen and mess area reaching 10 metres to the door. Every single station on either side is full of people, the mess and kitchen empty but for some chefs.

"May!" Sebastian burst into the area.

"Sir?" A woman stood up.

"She ran off, find her." As they all began running around I bolt back to the bedroom and lock the door.

Sebastian is here, I can talk to him, the boy I thought dead. But now he's the man who tortured my best friend. Dangerous. Unpredictable. Unsafe. With all my heart I want to run into his arms, yet I also want to rip his face off and bury him 6 feet under, or I can run, but thinking back to the people, hell no. Doing both seems my only option, run into his arms, talk to him private, cut an artery, suffocate him, slit his throat, all options. So running out of the room I resume my position behind the crates and soon locate Sebastian standing in the middle of the undeciphered order. Standing tall, barking orders. I finally stop to look at him, age and gym has done him well. 6'2, I had called him my giraffe. Naturally tanned skin, darker than he was when I last saw him, more built too. Solid as a rock, muscles huge rippling with his every movement. His shaggy brown hair looking out of place on this on this huge guy that resembled Dwayne Johnson. I caught a glimpse of his eyes, still the same big brown eyes I adored. Flecks of gold for decoration. But the innocence was gone, in my opinion the Sebastian was gone.

My Sebastian the boy whom I saved from bullies, the boy I stole liquor and got drunk with, the boy who saved me from a murderer and simply said 'Now we're even.' Gone, left in his place a murderer, a torturer, a notorious gang leader, but then again wasn't that what I was? I had killed, but never tortured. True my gangs youngest member with a 16 year old girl but all the girls in Jewelled Mysteries were orphans I adopted on their 16th birthday, offering them a life with me and my gang, riches for we were certainly rich, adventure, family, yes we are criminals, yet I and noone else in Jewelled Mysteries would give it up for any job in the world.

On the other hand if they chose to not stay with me $10,000 and a fully paid for education at a university of their choosing. I didn't just kidnap people off the street and kill them if they refused to join like Zoey said Sebastian did, apparently they have a mass grave out in the desert.


A/N- G'Day everyone, razzlezronnie here with another authors Note! Sorry Sorry Sorry. It's out late I know, but it is full length. I didn't upload last week because I had camps and then got writers block and I'm doing this instead of a Science Report due on Friday sooooooo........ Just so we know, the contest will never end, i love writing so ya know, message me as you please. I'm realizing that this fanfic is more about just Willow rather than Vanoss and his crew and assure that after EH finishes, the sequel will be different, but either way, I welcome constructive criticism so comment away! But anyway, thankyou guys and gals so much for reading this chapter, if you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it, please let me know with a vote or a comment, but I'll see you later alligators! *whispers* don't forget your toilet paper. . .

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